Programming Considerations

In order to assist in the creation of the most effective health education program possible, consider these things before requesting a workshop from WesWell: 

  • What health issues are the audience members experiencing?

These issues might give you a springboard for programming ideas.  If you can describe to the WesWell staff what health concerns are cropping up amongst the members of your audience, this may assist in determining the best program to offer.  Consider more than physical health issues – what about their mental health? Spiritual health?  Stress management skills?  Ability to live a balanced lifestyle? Think broadly in order to appeal to different individuals. 

  • Is this a topic of broad interest to everyone who will be invited to attend the program? 

If the topic only interests one or two people, it probably won’t be well attended or worth the effort on your part or the part of the presenter.  Try polling potential audience members to find out what they’re interested in; this will help ensure the program is responsive to the needs of your audience and may result in more people attending. 

  • When do I want this presented?  

This might end up being the hardest part of scheduling your program!  Be prepared with a couple of dates and times when you call to help in speeding up the scheduling process, especially if you are collaborating with another staff member on the program.   Try to be flexible – the times that are best for most students may not always be the best for your presenter.  Planning ahead makes a difference -– two weeks' notice is needed to help ensure the best availability of speakers.  

  • How will I publicize this program?

It takes some effort for a presenter to create a program appropriate for your hall or house.  Take the time to publicize the program widely to your intended audience to bring interested students together at the designated time.  Snacks help encourage attendance as well! 

Special Considerations for Residence Life Staff Members

  • What are the characteristics of my house or hall?

Sharing information on who lives in your area will help the presenter determine how to approach the presentation, depending on what the topic is.  A few things to think about include:  what the gender balance is, what class years are represented, if the group is likely to participate in a discussion or not, what types of activities have they responded to in the past, and any other unique characteristics that would be helpful to the presenter. 

  • Do other staff members want to collaborate on this program? 

This will help to ensure good attendance, assist in reaching more students who might be interested in the topic, and help your residents meet other students they might not have known before.