Welcome to the Catholic community at Wesleyan University!

Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, our Catholic community is grounded in the wisdom of the Catholic intellectual tradition and seeks to foster a vision of learning and growth that is based on mutual respect and friendship and that promotes the integration of knowledge, love, and service.  For those who share our vision, being a faithful Catholic is taken seriously as an intelligent, meaningful, and morally responsible option for men and women of the 21st century.  

Although distinctively Catholic, we welcome persons of all faiths, cultures, and traditions, and encourage them to share their particular gifts and talents with us in our common pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.  Our principal purpose and goal is to help you, no matter who you are, become the best possible person you were called by God to be. 

We strive to do this by providing a welcoming, caring, and supportive environment; by weekly celebration of the Eucharist; by regular opportunities for prayer, confession, and faith formation; by being a source of support and encouragement when struggling with anxiety, stress, and other life-changing events; by creating opportunities for service and social justice; and by providing hospitality and other spirited opportunities for friendship and fun.

Attending a Catholic Mass in Our Community

St. Sebastian Roman Catholic Church is on the edge of the Wesleyan campus and only a short walk. Daily and weekend Masses are offered at the following times.

Ubi Caritas, Deus Ibi Est. Where charity and love prevails there God is ever found.
-Ancient Hymn

Let us leave the surface, and, without leaving the world, plunge into God.
-Teilhard de Chardin

Give your bread to the poor in such a way that they will not hate you for it.
Vincent de Paul