Policy of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

[Adopted on June 5, 1969]

Wesleyan University subscribes to the “Statement of Principles: Academic Freedom and Tenure” (1940) and the “Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of Students” (1967), issued by the American Association of University Professors. Wesleyan, moreover, regards the proposition in the latter document that “the facilities and services of a college should be open to all of its enrolled students” as vital to its being and preeminently applicable to its academic courses and programs.

This assertion is not meant to trench on the prerogative of an instructor to set academically relevant criteria of eligibility for the courses that he/she offers, or to determine which students have met them. No course or program shall be eligible for academic credit, however, unless access thereto conforms with the aforesaid principle.

Any member of the University who feels that a violation of this principle has taken place shall have the right of appeal to the Faculty Committee onRights and Responsibilities as appropriate.