Residential Life at Wesleyan

RESIDENTIAL LIVING is based on a model of increasing independence, supported by a variety of options that include program houses, wood-frame houses, and apartments available to students as they progress through their undergraduate years. First-year students are housed in units close to the center of campus: Clark Hall, the Butterfields, Writer’s Block, 200 Church Street, West College, Nicolson, and Bennet Hall. All units house all genders, although some specific floors are designated as single-sex. Other theme floors include the Substance-Free Floor and the Quiet Floor. Each building includes card-activated laundry facilities, and rooms are equipped with wireless access. Although some new students reside in single- or triple-occupancy rooms, most first-year students live with one roommate.

RESIDENTIAL ADVISORS (RAs) are experienced students who live in the units; they facilitate social interaction and provide educational programming, peer counseling, mediation, and the resources necessary to be a successful student. RAs are supervised by Area Coordinators (ACs) who are professional staff members with a background in student development, counseling, administration, and crisis intervention. Together, the RAs and ACs work with students to establish and maintain community standards that enhance the learning environment and personal growth.

TO FIND OUT MORE about living on campus, please visit If you have questions, feel free to call the Office of Residential Life at (860) 685-3550.  Students can also submit ResLife inquiries through their WesPortal.