Election Profit Makers

Politics, Bleeps, and Bloops with the Election Profit Makers

Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 7:00pm
Smith Reading Room, Olin Library, 252 Church Street

FREE! Space is limited, RSVP required.

Join David Rees (Get Your War On, Going Deep with David Rees) and Jon Kimball, hosts of the indie podcast Election Profit Makers, for a discussion of political prediction markets, field recording, tinnitus, Geoguessr, and Google Earth, and maybe some other things.*

Election Profit Makers is a podcast, but also maybe a long-running performance art piece about the podcasting medium? Come find out!

*Other things, as in, an audio quiz on the history of noise music. With prizes!

Co-sponsored by the Apple Pickers Foundation and Wesleyan’s World Music Archives and Music Library.