Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

The Office for Equity and Inclusion serves students, faculty, administrators and staff concerning all issues of equity and opportunity as they relate to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and gender expression. The Office develops policies and procedures; and offers programming for the campus community regarding issues of diversity and equal opportunity/affirmative action.  

Wesleyan University will not tolerate retaliation against individuals bringing a complaint or participating in an investigation. The ultimate responsibility for maintaining an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation rests with all members of the University community. 

Debbie Colucci is Wesleyan’s Assistant Vice President for Equity & Inclusion / Title IX Coordinator and works with prevention and response and policy and procedure related to bias, discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct.  She is available to offer support, discuss situations, and provide resources / options.