Dear Parents and Families of Students in the Class of 2027,


It is hard to believe that we are already this far into the spring term, which often tends to move quite quickly. Pre-registration for the fall term is taking place, with planning period (from April 2 to 15), scheduling period on April 16 and then adjustment period from April 17 to 23. Housing selection for the fall term is also underway. May 1 is the last day to withdraw from courses, so I have asked students to connect with their instructors to understand where they stand in each of their courses prior to this deadline and then talk with me regarding their different options. Reading period will run from May 9 to 13, final exams will take place from May 14 to 17 and then housing will close on May 18 at 1 pm, so summer will be here before we know it.

Please encourage your students to regularly check the class blog as I have posted information on Wesleyan summer session courses (as well as how to transfer credit from other institutions, earn credit for internships and apply for summer grants). 

Your students should be taking courses across the curriculum, while also taking benchmark courses for one or two possible majors both this year and in the fall. There will be Open Houses in the fall term to learn more about the different majors, as students will declare their majors in the fourth semester. It’s a good idea for students to look over major websites now so that they are knowledgeable about major entrance and overall requirements. 

Since time management issues often emerge in full force during the spring term, please make sure that you’re referring your students to me if there are any concerns. Student Academic Resources also offers an incredible array of services, whether peer tutors for course content support, Academic Peer Advisors for help with study skills, or overall academic support resources.

Hopefully students are solidifying their summer plans and have set aside time to reflect on their first year and plan for their second.  By listening to what your student has learned during their first year, I am hopeful that you will see the ways in which they have grown both intellectually and personally.




Jennifer Wood
Dean for the Class of 2027