Middletown HIstory Day
A series of four presentations on the history of Middletown, from its founding in 1650 up to present times, including lunch, a walking tour, and a panel discussion.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
8:30–9 a.m. Sign in
Allbritton Center, 222 Church Street
9–10 a.m. The Early Years: 1650–1815
Richard Buel
10–10:30 A.m. Break
10:30–11:30 A.m. Suspenders, Mathematics, Riots and Muskets: 19th-Century Middletown through the Civil War
Dione Longley
11:30–12:15 p.m. Lunch (provided)
12:15–1 p.m. Not MY Grandmother: A Walking Tour of Middletown’s Historical Scandals
led by Dione Longley
1–2 p.m. The Melting Pot Overfloweth
Elizabeth Warner
2–2:30 p.m. Break
2:30–3:30 p.m. Truly This Is Our Home: African Americans in Middletown from the 1600s to the End of the Civil War
Diana McCain
3:30–4:30 p.m Panel Discussion
Instructor: The Saturday Institute for Lifelong Learning
Fall 2010
Enjoy the day with Professor of History Emeritus Richard Buel, former Director of the Middlesex Historical Society Dione Longley '82, Independent Day School Teacher Elizabeth Warner, and author Diana McCain