Wesleyan portrait of Courtney Ann Fullilove

Courtney Ann Fullilove

Associate Professor of History

History, 318 High St

Associate Professor, Environmental Studies

History, 318 High St

Associate Professor, Science in Society

History, 318 High St


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BA Columbia University
MA Columbia University
MPHIL Columbia University
PHD Columbia University

Courtney Ann Fullilove

Courtney Fullilove teaches nineteenth-century U.S. social history, environmental history, and the history of science and technology in global perspective. She researches the history of practices now gathered under the rubric of world development: sustainability, biodiversity, intellectual property law, traditional knowledge, and cultural heritage. She is author of The Profit of the Earth: The Global Seeds of American Agriculture (University of Chicago Press, 2017) and is currently working on a book about biodiversity preservation. She holds a PhD in History from Columbia University.



Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

In person, T 2:45-3:45 PM, via zoom W 10-12, or by appointment