Wesleyan portrait of David J. Finitsis

David J. Finitsis

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street


PHD University of Connecticut

David J. Finitsis

Prof. Finitsis' research focuses broadly on stress, anxiety and health behavior both within specific medical populations (HIV, cancer) and among more general populations. Studies from his lab will typically combine biological and behavioral methods to understand patient engagement in preventative care and treatment for chronic illness. His work includes both systematic review/meta-analysis and primary research studies. Prof. Finitsis has mentored students as collaborators in his area of reseach.



Dr. Finitsis completed his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at Bowdoin College in 1995 and continued to live in Maine thereafter, working a  variety of jobs from organic farming and commercial fishing to adventure based counseling and 911 first response. It was those years of paramedic work in particular that first granted him insight into the psychology of heath, illness, and injury. After marrying and moving to Connecticut in 2010, he returned to school as a graduate student in Psychology at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Finitsis received his PhD in 2016 and completed an internship in Clinical and Community Psychology at the Yale School of Medicine. A New England native, Dr. Finitsis has an abiding love of the outdoors that he frequently persues both on foot and by bicycle. He is a happy husband and father of two children. 

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Student Hours for Spring 2024: 
Tuesdays 1:10-2:10; Fridays 10:55-11:55
or by appointment