Wesleyan portrait of Dana  Royer

Dana Royer

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth and Environmental Sciences, Exley Science Center, Room 455 265 Church Street

Professor, Environmental Studies

Earth and Environmental Sciences, Exley Science Center, Room 455 265 Church Street

George I. Seney Professor of Geology

Earth and Environmental Sciences, Exley Science Center, Room 455 265 Church Street


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BA University of Pennsylvania
PHD Yale University

Dana Royer

I explore how fossil plants can be used to reconstruct ancient environments (especially CO2, temperature, and climate sensitivity), and the (paleo-) physiological underpinnings behind these plant-environment relationships. Recent and current projects include the reconstruction of early Paleogene and middle Miocene atmospheric CO2 levels from the stomatal distributions in plant leaves, and the development of mechanistically-grounded proxies for climate and leaf ecology from the size and shape of fossil leaves. I also compile Phanerozoic CO2 records and investigate the strength of CO2-temperature coupling over multi-million-year timescales.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

1) By appointment; or

2) Open-door policy.


Fall 2024
E&ES 497 - 01
Senior Seminar