Damon Austin Tomlin

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street


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BE Vanderbilt University
PHD Baylor College of Medicine

Damon Austin Tomlin

Professor Tomlin's research focuses on social decision-making and the quantitative understanding of social behavior. He has used a combination of behavioral economics, neuroimaging, eye tracking, and agent-based simulations to understand choices made in a social context, and how the behavior of other group members can impact those choices. In addition, his work seeks to determine how others' decisions are processed by the human brain, how decision-makers model other social agents (i.e., what do they think other individuals are thinking), and how the effect of their decisions upon others changes future choices.

Damon Tomlin is a visiting assistant professor in the department of psychology. He was previously a faculty member in the psychology departments at Sacred Heart University and the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Most recently, he served as an associate editor for Nature Reviews Psychology, an upcoming journal from the Nature Portfolio. Prior to his faculty and editorial positions, Dr. Tomlin was a postdoctoral research associate at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, where he collaborated with Jonathan Cohen, director of the Neuroscience of Cognitive Control Laboratory. He completed his Doctorate in neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine under his advisor, Read Montague.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Fall 2024
PSYC 225 - 01
Cognitive Neuroscience

PSYC 322 - 01
Psychology of Decision-Making

Spring 2025
PSYC 105 - 02
Foundations Contemporary Psych

PSYC 105 - 03
Foundations Contemporary Psych

PSYC 322 - 02
Psychology of Decision-Making