Wesleyan portrait of Felipe  Ramirez

Felipe Ramirez

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Exley Science Center - Complex Room 619, 265 Church Street


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BS Colorado St University
PHD University of Michigan

Felipe Ramirez

Mathematics research: ergodic theory and dynamical systems, Diophantine approximation, and fractal geometry. 

Lately, Ramirez's research has focused in a branch of number theory called Diophantine approximation. Here, the basic goal is to find out the extent to which one can use rational numbers (numbers that can be expressed as fractions) to approximate irrational numbers (numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions). Diophantine approximation has fascinating connections to dynamical systems, where one studies the time-evolution of geometric objects under certain processes. Fractal geometry also plays an important role. For example, sets of real numbers with prescribed approximation properties tend to have fractal dimension. 

This interview for the Wesleyan Newsletter has a bit more. 

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Wednesdays 9:30 - 11 (Graduate Analysis), Fridays 10 - 12 (Undergraduate Analysis)


Fall 2024
MATH 225 - 01
Introduction to Real Analysis

MATH 513 - 01
Analysis I