Wesleyan portrait of Giselle Padilla Reyes

Giselle Padilla Reyes

Visiting Instructor of Chemistry

Chemistry, Shanklin and Hall Atwater 237 Church Street


BA Wesleyan University
MA Wesleyan University

Giselle Padilla Reyes

Giselle Reyes is a chemist with an interest in solid-form, electrochemistry, and the use of high throughput screening in the small molecule pharmaceutical setting.

She received her Bachelor's (Dec. '17) and Master's (Dec. '18) in Chemistry from Wesleyan University. Her BA/MA research in Professor Albert J. Fry's group focused on the use of electrochemistry as an alternative to common organic transformations.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

By appt over zoom or in person (only on weekends or before class).

Please email to schedule.


Fall 2024
CHEM 257 - 01
Intermediate Chemistry Lab

CHEM 257 - 02
Intermediate Chemistry Lab

CHEM 257 - 03
Intermediate Chemistry Lab

CHEM 257 - 04
Intermediate Chemistry Lab

CHEM 257 - 05
Intermediate Chemistry Lab