Wesleyan portrait of Hari  Ramesh

Hari Ramesh

Assistant Professor of Government

Frank Center for Public Affairs Room 402, 238 Church Street

Assistant Professor, Global South Asian Studies

Frank Center for Public Affairs Room 402, 238 Church Street


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BA Williams College
MA Yale University
MPHIL Yale University
PHD Yale University

Hari Ramesh

Hari Ramesh is a political theorist with research and teaching interests in democratic theory, histories and theories of social oppression, the intersections of South Asian, Afro-modern, and American political thought, and the relationship between empirical social science and political theory.

His current book project - tentatively titled Directed Association: Social Oppression, State Action, and the Pursuit of Radical Democracy (under contract with Harvard University Press) - draws insights from John Dewey, B.R. Ambedkar, Brown v. Board of Education, W.E.B. Du Bois, and contemporary democratic theory in order to offer an original account of the compatibility of coercive state action with a radical vision of democracy. Specifically, the book puts forward the idea of directed association - a conceptual and political strategy whereby socially-oppressed groups can utilize the coercive instruments of the state in order to create the conditions for democracy understood not just as a form of government but as 'associated life.' 

Hari's peer-reviewed research has appeared in Political TheoryModern Intellectual History, and History of the Present. His public writing has been published in Boston Review and Dissent. Prior to arriving at Wesleyan, Hari was a College Fellow in Social Studies at Harvard University. 

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Wednesdays 3-5pm and by appointment

Office hours sign-up: https://calendly.com/hramesh/spring-2024-office-hours