Wesleyan portrait of Kyungmi  Kim

Kyungmi Kim

Assistant Professor, Integrative Sciences

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Psychology, Judd Hall, Rm. 107 207 High Street


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MA Yonsei University
MPHIL Yale University
MS Yale University
PHD Yale University

Kyungmi Kim


Kyungmi Kim is a cognitive psychologist, whose research program examines psychological mechanisms through which the mind subjectively construes the external world. Her current research is guided by three fundamental questions:

  1. How do we process the “selfness” of external entities and how does this self-related processing affect our cognition and behavior?
  2. How does our prior experience affect what we derive from current experience?
  3. How do our emotions affect how/what we learn and remember?

In her work, Dr. Kim draws on a range of theories and methodologies from within the fields of both cognitive psychology and social psychology.  

Dr. Kim received her B.A. in French Language and Literature from Chung-Ang Univeristy, South Korea and her M.A. in Psychology with a concentration in Counseling Psychology from Yonsei University, South Korea.  She completed her Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology at Yale University.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Spring 2024: Tuesdays 10:30am - 12:00pm in Judd 217, or by appointment (Note: Due to inclement weather, office hours on 2/13 will be held over Zoom via this LINK)


Fall 2024
PSYC 210 - 01
Rsch Mthds in Cognition

PSYC 220 - 01
Cognitive Psychology