Wesleyan portrait of Rachael  Barlow

Rachael Barlow

Visiting Assistant Professor, Education Studies

Institutional Research, North College, 3rd Floor 237 High Street

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Academic Writing

Institutional Research, North College, 3rd Floor 237 High Street

Associate Director for Assessment

Institutional Research, North College, 3rd Floor 237 High Street


Visit Professional Website

MA Indiana University Bloomington
PHD Indiana University Bloomington

Rachael Barlow

Rachael Barlow is Wesleyan's first Associate Director of Assessment. She teaches the courses associated with the Integrative Learning Project, which is designed to help students articulate what they have been learning during their time in college and to make connections between what they have done inside the academic curriculum to what they have done outside of it. Rachael came to Wesleyan from Trinity College, where for twelve years she helped faculty and students incorporate qualitative and quantitative data into their work and taught a first-year seminar on decision-making and a graduate course in public policy research methods. She was also the faculty liaison to both the women's lacrosse team and men's basketball team.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Students can insert themselves in Rachael's calendar for any time that works for them!

Zoom link: https://wesleyan.zoom.us/my/rachaelbarlow 


Fall 2024
WRCT 200 - 01
Integrative Learning Project 1