Wesleyan portrait of Sarah Anne Wellons

Sarah Anne Wellons

Assistant Professor of Astronomy

Astronomy, Van Vleck Observatory 11 Foss Hill

Assistant Professor, Integrative Sciences

Astronomy, Van Vleck Observatory 11 Foss Hill


AB Princeton University
MA Harvard University
PHD Harvard University

Sarah Anne Wellons

Professor Sarah Wellons is a theoretical astrophysicist who uses numerical simulations to study how galaxies form and evolve.  Her work investigates the physical processes involved in galaxy formation, from the large-scale gravitational collapse of dark matter structure to the formation of stars from cool dense gas and the role played by supermassive black holes.  She is especially interested in the most massive galaxies which cease forming stars and become "red and dead," as well as galaxies which formed at very early times in our Universe's history.

Dr. Wellons earned her Bachelor's degree at Princeton University and her PhD at Harvard University in 2017.  She did her postdoctoral work at Northwestern University, first as a CIERA fellow and then as an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics postdoctoral fellow.  She joined the faculty at Wesleyan in 2022.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Tuesday 11-12 am
Thursday 3:30-4:30 pm


Fall 2024
ASTR 210 - 01
Scientific Computing in Astro

ASTR 221 - 01
Galactic Structure & Formation