Takeshi Watanabe
Associate Professor of East Asian Studies
Mansfield Freeman East Asian Studies Room 02OFFC05, 343 Washington Terrace860-685-3059
Chair, College of East Asian Studies
Mansfield Freeman East Asian Studies Room 02OFFC05, 343 Washington Terrace860-685-3059
BA Yale University
PHD Yale University
Takeshi Watanabe
Takeshi Watanabe is the author of Flowering Tales: Women Exorcising History in Heian Japan (https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674244405). The book examines A Tale of Flowering Fortunes, a historical tale contemporaneous to The Tale of Genji (c. 1000). It shows how the rise of writing in the vernacular allowed for a new, shamanic type of history, one that sought to capture court gossip and channel its divisive energy into stories that brought healing. The book aims to inspire conversations about what constitutes historical writing and its aims.
Watanabe's next project centers on representations of food and eating in Heian Japan. He has three publications on food, one in a collection of papers on Japanese foodways edited by Nancy Stalker, Devouring Japan: Global Perspectives on Japanese Culinary Identity (Oxford University Press, 2018). The other examines food in Akazome Emon's poetry: "Tasteful Messages from Heian Japan" (https://online.ucpress.edu/gastronomica/article-abstract/23/4/7/198187/Tasteful-Messages-from-Heian-JapanAkazome-Emon-s?redirectedFrom=fulltext). He has also published in Japanese and English on The Illustrated Scroll of the Wine or Rice Debate (Shuhanron emaki, 16th century) https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/nfile/2989. Watanabe's interest in food seeks to challenge assumptions about Japanese identity, and to foster engagement with food as a vehicle through which society and individuals express their dilemmas and aspirations. Emaki consistute another area of interest, and he has published an English introduction to the Yamai no zoshi (Chuo koron bijutsusha) http://www.chukobi.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=720.
Previously, Watanabe taught in East Asian Studies, History and Art History at Connecticut College.
Academic Affiliations
Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM to 12 PM, 1:30 to 2:30 PM, and by appointment.
Fall 2024
CEAS 295 - 01
Life in Premodern Japan
CEAS 405 - 01
Exhibition Curation
Spring 2025
CEAS 210 - 01
Japanese Culture Through Food