Wesleyan portrait of Victoria Ursula Manfredi

Victoria Ursula Manfredi

Associate Professor, Integrative Sciences

Mathematics, Exley Science Center, 6th Floor 265 Church Street

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Mathematics, Exley Science Center, 6th Floor 265 Church Street


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BA Smith College
MS University of Massachusetts at Amherst
PHD University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Victoria Ursula Manfredi

My research focuses on understanding and quantifying computer network behavior using machine learning and network analysis. My primary goal is to use such insights to design more adaptive and anonymous routing protocols for mobile wireless networks.  My secondary goal is to design protocols to circumvent censorship on the Internet. 

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Mon 3:30-5p, Tues 1:30-3p, Wed 3:30-5p, and by appointment. If you would like to meet virtually (on Zoom), please email me to set-up a time to meet, sometime within my in-person office hours if possible.