PSYC 206: Research Methods in Cognitive Development and Education

This course introduces students to translational research in psychology--research that draws on psychological science to inform practice. The course is built around a central case study, early numeracy in preschool children, with an emphasis on the effects of differences in language input (e.g., deafness). We will cover existing research on cognitive and language development, early numeracy, deaf education, and teaching strategies to understand the relationship between research and practice in these areas.

The service-learning component of the course, in which students will spend two hours per week in a preschool, provides a hands-on opportunity to interact with preschool children and learn firsthand about their learning environment and styles. Although the service-learning component will generally entail work in hearing preschools, opportunities will be available for observation and volunteering in schools for deaf children.

The sites were:
Macdonough School (Middlesex Community College Preschool)
The Neighborhood Preschool
Snow School (Middletown School Readiness Program)
Idella Howell Head Start CRT

Click here for more information on Wesleyan’s Cognitive Development Lab