Civil War Narratives Come Alive
A full-day program on the Civil War, with particular attention to the engagement of Middletown and Connecticut residents in that epic struggle—on the battlefield and on the homefront. The afternoon will be spent on a guided tour of sites in Middletown of significance to the war.
Instructor: Richard Slotkin, David Naumec, Dione Longley, Deborah Dickson Shapiro , Buck Zaidel
Saturday, October 22, 2011
8:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Richard Slotkin Olin Professor of American Studies emeritus at Wesleyan.
David Naumec museum consultant, a historical researcher, and an adjunct history instructor.
Dione Longley formerly director of the Middlesex County Historical Society in Middletown for two decades.
Deborah Dickson Shapiro is executive director of the Middlesex County Historical Society (MCHS)
Peter A. “Buck” Zaidel collector of Civil War objects and images.