Exporing the Challenges of Personal Finance
This course will provide an introduction to the basics of personal finance: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, hedge funds, asset allocation, portfolio selection, diversification, 401(k)s and 403(b)s, mortgages, and social security. The exploration will include planning for and during retirement, grounded on an understanding of financial markets, corporate financial reports, compound interest, and discounting. The aim is to provide knowledge helpful in avoiding geriatric poverty for the quantitatively challenged and all others.
Instructor: Richard Miller
THREE MONDAYS: OCTOBER 6, 13, 20 | 4:30–6 P.M.ALLBRITTON 004 | $70

RICHARD A. MILLER is Woodhouse/Sysco Professor of Economics, emeritus. He taught at Wesleyan from 1960 until 2006, and his courses included introductory, microtheory, industrial economics, antitrust, business ethics, accounting, and corporate finance. His research interests include structure-performance in U.S. manufacturing, mergers, gender discrimination, cost curves, cost of capital, and how algebra helps to understand the mortgage crisis.