Connecticut Civil War Soldiers Tell Their Stories
Beginning with the startling declaration of war in 1861 and continuing through the surrender at Appomattox, the story of the Civil War will unfold, described by those who were actually involved. Reading will include letters and diaries of Connecticut soldiers, nurses, chaplains, doctors, and families on the home front who described their varying experiences and beliefs about the war. What prompted so many men to offer their lives for the Union? How did families at home deal with wounded soldiers?
Instructor: Dione Longley
Four Tuesdays: September 13, 20, 27; OCTOBER 4 | 4:30–6 P.M.Wasch Center Butterfield Room | $90

DIONE LONGLEY graduated from Wesleyan in 1982. She worked in the curatorial department of the Connecticut Historical Society and for two decades was the Middlesex County Historical Society director. In 2015, she and co-author Buck Zaidel published Heroes for All Time, a book about the Civil War from the viewpoints of Connecticut soldiers who fought in the struggle. Previously, she annotated The Old Leather Man (Wesleyan University Press).