Knowing and Enjoying the Connecticut River
Instructor: Mark and Mindy Yuknat
Saturday, May 14, 2016 - $125
9:30–10am Sign in: Riverquest dock in Haddam
10am – noon Cruise, with a stop in Essex
Noon–1pm Lunch on Selden Island
1–4pm Cruise, with a stop and visit to Gillette Castle
4pm Disembark
Directions to the Riverquest dock in Haddam
*From the west: Route 9 to Exit 7 (Route 82 East). Follow signs for Route 82 east through Tylerville Center. Park entrance will be on your right just after the railroad tracks and before the swing bridge.
*From the East: From East Haddam, cross the Connecticut River on Route 82 over the swing bridge. Park entrance will be on your left before the train tracks.

MINDY YUKNAT is the weekend and evening crew member of the Riverquest. She has a 100 ton master’s license issued by the United States Coast Guard. Known for her gift of gab and love of nature, Ms. Yuknat makes sure that all passengers are comfortable, happy, and do not miss a thing.