Odysseus, the Trickster Hero
“Odysseus of many wiles” was the epithet Homer bestowed upon the Greek hero who was famous – sometimes infamous – for his trickery, disguises, and occasional lack of scruples. We will examine his place in ancient Greek culture from Homer to Sophocles, by reading selections from the epic poems Iliad and Odyssey, and the tragedies Ajax and Philoctetes. We’ll also consider the wealth of Greek vase-paintings dedicated to his adventures.
Instructor: Elizabeth Bobrick
Six Thursdays: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 April 6
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Wasch Center Butterfield Room: $135
Limited to 16 students

Elizabeth Bobrick is a visiting scholar in Wesleyan’s Department of Classical Studies, where she has taught ancient Greek language and literature. She is currently teaching Greek tragedy at Cheshire Correctional Facility as part of Wesleyan’s Center for Prison Education. In addition, she has been a visiting writer in the Department of English, the College of Letters, and Graduate Liberal Studies. Her publications range from scholarly articles on Aristophanes, Sophocles, and Theophrastus to essays on an array of topics, from baseball to seasonal teaching anxiety. She received her PhD from the Johns Hopkins University.