A Tour of the Universe and How We Got Here
Take a whirlwind tour of the universe via images obtained from Earth, orbiting telescopes, and NASA missions. Learn what modern research has discovered about how the universe began, with the emergence of our sun and planet earth. Weather permitting, this popular course will include direct observation of relevant objects through the 20-inch Clark Refractor at Wesleyan’s very own Van Vleck Observatory. Suitable for any level of science background, the only pre-requisites are curiosity and an open mind.
Instructor: Roy Kilgard
Thursday, October 25,
3:00 pm–9:00 pm
Usdan University Center Room 110
Dinner will be provided.
Class limit: 14

ROY KILGARD is an Associate Professor of the Practice in Astronomy. His background is in high-energy astrophysics. Prior to his move to Wesleyan, he spent almost a decade at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, where he worked on the Chandra X-ray Observatory–one of NASA's Great Observatories, and the X-ray counterpart to the Hubble Space Telescope. His research focuses on black holes in nearby galaxies with an emphasis on intermediate-mass black holes: an enigmatic class of objects whose origins are unclear. When not studying the heavens, he travels to sci-fi and fantasy conventions where he lectures on astronomy in science fiction and pop culture.