When the Story is Yours: Reading and Writing the Memoir Essay
The memoir essay is a fluid, centuries-old, highly readable form. The process of writing from our own experiences allows us to be surprised by what we remember and what we think. This course will combine reading and discussion with writing and, for those who wish, sharing your work in class to a receptive and friendly audience. Readings will include classic essays by Virginia Woolf, E.B. White, and James Baldwin, as well as more contemporary authors. These will be made available for purchase as a course packet.
Instructor: Elizabeth Bobrick
Six Thursdays: October 11, 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Wasch Center, Butterfield Room

ELIZABETH BOBRICK is a visiting scholar in Wesleyan’s Department of Classical Studies, where she has taught ancient Greek language and literature. She is currently teaching Greek tragedy at Cheshire Correctional Facility as part of Wesleyan’s Center for Prison Education. In addition, she has been a visiting writer in the Department of English, the College of Letters, and Graduate Liberal Studies. Her publications range from scholarly articles on Aristophanes, Sophocles, and Theophrastus to essays on an array of topics, from baseball to seasonal teaching anxiety. She received her PhD from Johns Hopkins University.