Code of Silence: Voices of the African Enslaved in 19th Century Connecticut
In this, the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first slave on American soil, this full-day program will explore the significant place slavery occupied in northern colonies, and particularly in Connecticut in the formidable years of nationhood. While history usually points to slavery as a condition endemic to the South, the plight of African-Americans in our own region is often masked behind a ‘code of silence,’ or obscured by narratives favoring a more generous view of the problem in communities north of the Mason-Dixon Line. And, while events taking place around the seizure of the slave ship Amistad in 1839, and the resulting trial, have been codified by Hollywood film-makers, there are deeper, more resonant stories that deserves to be told.
9:00-9:30- Coffee and Registration
9:30-10:15- Jenifer Frank: "The CT Slavery Story Uncovered,The Hartford Courant and Investigative Sleuthing"
10:15-11:00- Anne Farrow, Co-Author: "Complicity, How the North Promoted, Prolonged, and Profited from Slavery"
11:00-11:15- Break
11:15-12:00- Joan Hedrick [Pulitzer Prize-winning] author of, "Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Abolitionist Movement- A Life Remembered"
12:00-12:15- Q&A
12:15-1:15- Lunch and Book Purchase Opportunity (with Wesleyan University Press and RJ Julia)
1:15- 2:00- Tammy Denease (1st person interpreter) as 19th c. slave,Sarah Margu: Norman Marshall as abolitionist,John Brown
2:00- 2:45- Stacy Close (Eastern Connecticut State Univ., Associate Provost/Vice President for Equity and Diversity): "The Prevalence of Slavery in 19th Century Hartford, CT"
2:45-3:15- Brief Q&A and Break
3:15- 5:00- Panel: Examining Enslavement Today: Human Sex Trafficking, Migrant Labor Exploitation, Prison Sentencing Policy, and Models of Awareness/Action. A panel to include keynote presenters, Anne, Joan, Stacy and Tammy, with the addition of Deborah Shapiro (former director, Middlesex County Historical Society), Jumoke McDuffie-Thurmond (WesU senior and honors thesis author on Middletown slave, Silva Storms), and Dennis Culliton (Director, CT Witness Stones Project).
Instructor: Richard Friswell
Saturday, October 5
Location TBD
FREE. Advanced registration required for meeting space and food planning. Please email your intent to attend to: