
Click! - Digital Photography for Beginners


Are the features on your digital camera confounding? Maybe you own a digital camera but are not getting the kind of images you want. Or, maybe you’re getting some great pictures, but can’t figure out why. This class will help you move away from the automatic mode that most beginners gravitate towards, to shooting modes where you have total control of your camera.

All the basic photography concepts will be presented and discussed in depth, including:

  • Familiarizing yourself with your camera
  • Setting the aperture, shutter speed, and digital sensitivity setting
  • Using the camera’s light meter to make properly exposed pictures
  • Focusing the lens to create sharp images
  • Depth-of-field options
  • Finding the best lenses to purchase
  • Backing up images
  • Cataloging images
  • Digital editing basics

Specific controls on your camera, mystifying to most beginners, will be identified and explained thoroughly. You will learn exactly where they are located on your camera and precisely what they do. Then we will discuss and critique each other’s pictures. This will be done both as a way to understand photographic composition as well as to explore specific shooting issues you may be having with your own images.

Some class time will be devoted to practice taking pictures, with a walkabout on campus. This will help solidify what you have learned about photographic theory and camera controls. And it will be your chance to try a variety of composing ideas.

A complete handout will be provided with information and diagrams that will greatly simplify the process of understanding what is being taught in class. In addition, the handout will allow you to spend less time taking notes and more time listening and participating in class. You also will find it quite useful for review after the course has ended. 

Be sure to bring your digital camera (with the instruction booklet, if available) to class, along with photos you have taken, saved as JPGs, on a flash drive. IMPORTANT: Please be sure your camera can operate in non-automatic modes, such as Manual or Shutter Priority—helpful, but not essential for this class.

Instructor: Peter Glass

Dates: Saturdays – April 18, 25; May 2, 9, and 16

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Location: The Wasch Center - 51 Lawn Ave, Middletown, CT 06459

Cost: $150

PETER GLASS is a professional photographer in the Hartford area who has been shooting commercial and editorial assignments for over 30 years. In addition, he is a nonstop creator of stock photography images ( His pictures appear regularly in magazines, advertising brochures, websites, and on book covers.
However, the majority of his time these days is spent designing and teaching photography classes and workshops. He does that for individual students, and for local towns, art centers, libraries, community colleges, and his Meetup group ( He’s also a photography consultant and public speaker. 
Peter holds a Master of Arts degree in Film and Television Production from the University of Texas. More information can be found on his website (

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