Faculty Forum

In order to facilitate communication about faculty issues, the executive committee of the faculty has established an unmoderated mailing lists called facultyforum-l

Sends email to all faculty members, professional librarians, administrators with faculty privileges, and WSA and graduate student representatives who were voted in to faculty privileges for the year.

New faculty are automatically subscribed to this list.  If you unsubscribed and wish to be added back to the list, please send an email to the list and the administrator will readd you.

If you are new to the list and wish to catch up on past postings, you can view the at:  https://groups.google.com/a/wesleyan.edu/g/faculty-forum-glist.

Policies and Procedures
We wish to encourage easy dissemination of information about events on campus, as well as news items that would be of interest to the Wesleyan community.

Please refrain from postings that would not be of interest to the entire faculty, staff, and broader Wesleyan community. For those who have access, the Faculty Forum email list would be the best place to post notices about courses and faculty meeting business.

No endorsements of (or exhortations against) political candidates or campaigns may be made via the Community Forum due to IRS revised ruling 2007-41, 2007-25 I.R.B (June 18, 2007), which states that “organizations that are exempt from income tax….may not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.” These restrictions have been interpreted to extend to nonprofit websites and other electronic resources.