Hyejoo Back

Associate Professor of the Practice in East Asian Studies

Asian Languages and Literature, Fisk Hall, 3rd Floor 262 High Street


BS Busan National University
MED Busan National University
PHD SUNY at Albany

Hyejoo Back

Hyejoo Back is Associate Professor of the Practice in East Asian Studies and Korean Language, and the Co-Curricular Coordinator of the Korean program. She recently finished two grant projects (Five College Innovative Language Teaching Grants as a part of the Mellon Foundation Grant) on Korean pre-modern history and Korean modern history for advanced Korean learners. Her research and teaching interests include content-based instruction of language with a focus on history and culture, pedagogy in language teaching, motivation, curriculum and instruction, and testing and measurement. She recently published a book on pre-modern Korean history and is currently working on a book on Korean culture for advanced Korean learners.

She received her Ph.D. in Instructional Psychology for Science Teaching from the University at Albany, State University of New York. She has been teaching and developing the curriculum for all levels of Korean since the establishment of the Korean program at Wesleyan.

Academic Affiliations

Office Hours

Fall 2023

Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30 PM-2:30 PM in Fisk Hall 313 and by appointment


Fall 2024
KREA 153 - 01
Elementary Korean I

KREA 153 - 02
Elementary Korean I

KREA 205 - 01
Intermediate Korean I