Excavations at Tel Shimron, Israel    http://www.telshimronexcavations.com

Excavations of a site overlooking the beautiful Jezreel valley in northern Israel, occupied from the Bronze Age through the Byzantine period. The 6-week archaeological field school welcomes students with any range of archaeological experience, and can be taken for Wesleyan credit. Find out more details on our Wes-at-Shimron page. Next in the field Summer 2023.

Archaeology in China   http://ealab.wescreates.wesleyan.edu/test-project/

Students with background in Chinese language or who have taken ARCP291 East Asian Archaeology or ARCP350 Animals in Archaeology may participate in summer fieldwork with Professor Brunson. Professor Brunson's research examines the environmental and social aspects of past human-animal interactions in East Asia. She collaborates with zooarchaeologists across China and is part of several international teams that are investigating Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites in the Yellow River Valley. She is also zooarchaeologist for the Tao River Archaeology Project and co-PI of the Oracle Bones in East Asia Project. Please visit the Environmental Archaeology Lab projects page above for more information about these projects or contact Katherine Brunson at kbrunson@wesleyan.edu.