The Finance Office processes payments two times per week on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Invoices and Expense Reimbursements must be fully approved to be included in the pay cycle.

A/P checks marked with specific departmental handling codes will be mailed directly to the departments following the pay cycle.  

If there are any checks marked "hold for pickup" during a pay cycle, A/P will contact you to set up a pickup time when we have the check in hand. 

We request that you not hold invoices or expense reimbursements for last minute submission. Please process in Workday as invoices and expense reimbursement requests are received.

Wesleyan does not pay by a statement, you need to have the original invoices from the suppliers and original receipts when requesting a reimbursement.


Payment requests must include appropriate approval as follows:

Vendors - Payments greater than $500 require two signatures to certify the following:

  • Validity of the expense – the product was received or work performed as expected
  • Accounting – the account number is appropriate with available budget
  • Compliance – the expenditure is compliant with applicable policies and regulations (e.g., payments to non US citizens, restricted accounts and grant awards)

One signature is acceptable only if the total invoice amount is less than $500 and with department approval.  Payment requests greater than or equal to $500 must be signed by two people.  Generally, the two signatures would be that of the purchaser and the supervisor, department head or fiscal manager

Wesleyan employees:

Non-payroll payments made to Wesleyan employees are generally made when the employee requests a travel reimbursement, travel advance or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses.  Requests must be supported by original documentation, including the business purpose of the purchase.   (Note:  Students are not considered University employees for this purpose.)  Payments made to Wesleyan employees for services performed must go through Human Resources to be processed through Payroll.. 

Non-employee individuals:

These payments are generally made to independent contractors for services performed, honoraria, travel reimbursements or athletes and entertainers.  Requests must be supported by original documentation.  (Note:  Students are not considered University employees for this purpose.)


Payments to students are generally made for expense reimbursement.  Requests must be supported by original documentation.  (Note:  students are not considered University employees for this purpose.)  Students must be hired into Workday and report hours in Workforce Time to be paid for work.

Questions concerning these policies may be directed to Accounts Payable at