November 2022


Dear Parents and Families of Students in the Class of 2026:

As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it’s hard to believe that our students have almost completed their first semester. After Thanksgiving, students will start working on final papers, projects, and preparing study notes for final exams. Classes will end on Friday, December 9 and the reading period is December 10-13. Final exams begin December 13 at 5:00 pm and will end December 17 at 5:00 pm. Housing closes at 12:00 noon on Sunday, December 18, and reopens on Monday, January 23. The spring semester will begin on January 26. 

By the end of the first week of January, students will be able to view their fall semester final grades in WesPortal, as long as they have submitted their faculty evaluations. Parents and families are naturally curious about these grades and most students are proud to share this information, especially when the grades are good. However, sometimes, especially when students feel dissatisfied with their performance, they may be reluctant to share this information with others. In a situation like this, instead of pressing the question, it can be helpful to shift the topic of conversation from “What were your grades?” to more open-ended questions such as “What did you learn?” “What was your favorite class?” “Can I read one of your papers?” I often remark to students that it’s not about what you earn, it’s what you learn. If this line of inquiry leads you to sense that your student is struggling, it’s always good to ask: “Have you seen your class dean?” 

The first semester of college is a whirlwind of activity. While academic life is at the heart of the Wesleyan experience, life beyond the classroom is just as important. Students are expected to develop friendships, participate in clubs or athletic opportunities, or even work on campus in a part-time job – all while managing a rigorous academic course load. All new students face the challenge of restrategizing high school work habits and social skills to meet the academic and co-curricular demands of the college environment. While most students eventually figure out how to make this move, even the most well-adjusted students will feel stressed out at times. Winter break is a good time to inquire about how the transition to college is going. “Are you making friends?” “Are you managing your time?” “Are you enjoying Wesleyan?” “How do you deal with the stresses of college life?”

Also, as you may or may not be aware, Wesleyan offers students the opportunity to participate in a two-week Winter Session intensive learning experience. Students who take part in the program may return to campus in early January if they are taking an in-person class or to participate in career-related workshops sponsored by the Gordon Career Center. Other courses will be available online and students can attend virtually. Registration opens on November 15 and the registration deadline is December 15. Students interested in the program should contact the Winter Session office by filling out the form here.

I will be writing to you again at the start of the Spring semester. In the meantime, please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Best wishes,

Michael L. Guerrero
Dean for the Class of 2026
T. (860) 685-2757 |
Class of 2026 Blog