Green Team

Wesleyan's Green Team researches, communicates, and implements effective strategies that increase sustainability within departments and the University. We focus on four broad goals:  

  1. We make sustainable purchases via our offices
  2. We reduce energy waste in our departments
  3. We shift the culture in our areas/departments to be sustainable
  4. We manage waste sustainably in our departments 

Check out the Green Office Certification program to get your office recognized for its efforts! 

Green Tips

  • Reduce paper use

    Using paper causes carbon emissions, pollution, and depletion of natural resources.

    • Print double sided whenever possible.
    • Save single sided waste paper ("Good On One SidE" or "GOOSE" paper) and make it accessible for informal printing and reuse.
    • Use and teach others to use SharePoint and other cloud-based platforms for file storing and sharing active working files.
    • Cut waste paper into quarters and replace post-its.
    • Post this Printer Tip Sheet in your office.
    • Advise individuals to print hard copies as needed rather than utilizing batch printing.
  • Reduce plastic use

    Producing plastic consumes high amounts of fossil fuels, burns fuel and causes pollution when recycled, and ends up out in the environment, harming plants, animals, and water resources.

    • Don't serve single serve beverages at events. Use tap water served in large containers when possible, buy large containers for other beverages, and buy aluminum cans if necessary with recycling available.
    • Encourage bring your own (BYO) mugs/cups, plates, bowls, and utensils at all events; try a BYO printable for your office.
    • Provide compostable single-use containers and utensils instead of plastic or Styrofoam. 
  • Reduce energy consumption
    • Shut off the lights in any unused rooms (including those on sensors).
    • Use layers of clothing, warm/cold beverages, and other personal comfort fixes before you adjust your office's heating/cooling equipment. Here's a cheat sheet to share.
    • Limit use of space heaters. heating mat is more effective at keeping just you warm with lower energy usage.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle
  • K-Cup Recycle Program
    • Wesleyan participates in Keurig's K-Cup coffee pod recycling program through the Green Team.
    • All offices who utilize a Keurig machine may pick up K-Cup recycling boxes from WesStation.
    • When full, return the sealed box to WesStation and they will ship it to be recycled.
    • Any questions may be directed to Anika Dane (
  • Inform yourself
  • Contact Us

    The Green Team is a subgroup of SAGES run by staff in campus departments. We present "Green Minutes" at monthly staff meetings and run workshops and gatherings throughout the academic year. Students and faculty are encouraged to attend our sponsored events and we are always happy to welcome new members. Want to hear more about what we do? Join us!  Contact one of our stewards for more information:

    If you have any suggestions for Green Tips, Green Minutes, or the Green Team webpage, please contact Anika.