Sally Bachner

Associate Professor of English

English, 294 High Street

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BA Reed College
MA Princeton University
PHD Princeton University

Sally Bachner

Sally Bachner is a scholar of contemporary and twentieth-century British and American fiction. Her book, The Prestige of Violence: American Fiction, 1962-2007 (2011), argues that, starting in the 1960s, American fiction laid claim to the status of serious literature by placing violence at the heart of its mission and then insisting that this violence could not be represented. Bachner’s essays have appeared in journals and collections including Rethinking History, The Cambridge Companion to John F. Kennedy, and Ford Madox Ford’s Modernity.

Ph.D., Princeton University, English Literature (September 2001)

M.A., Princeton University, English Literature (1998)

B.A., Reed College, English Literature, with commendation for excellence (1993)

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