One of the oldest humanities institutes in the United States, the Center for the Humanities at Wesleyan University supports innovative interdisciplinary academic programming, research, and scholarship
through its Faculty, Post-doctoral, Visiting Research, and Student Fellowship programs. Explore our website to learn more about our Monday Night Lecture series, fellowships, and the many other exciting, collaborative endeavors emanating from the Center.
Spring 2025 Theme

During the Center for the Humanities Lecture Series, nine scholars explored the theme of “Dirt” throughout the fall 2020 semester. The theme explored the material ecologies and symbolic currencies of filth, waste, toxicity, and contamination alongside ideas of purity, hygiene, and cleanliness to address and reframe a range of contemporary environmental and cultural urgencies. Through […]
Eight Wesleyan students presented papers during the inaugural CTW (Connecticut College, Trinity College, Wesleyan University) Undergraduate Symposium in the Arts and Humanities on Nov. 10. This symposium, hosted at Trinity, provided undergraduate students from the three partner institutions, as well as other institutions in the region, an opportunity to present their original scholarly work in […]
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