Wesleyan Jewish Community 2024/5785



About Our Services:

We are so excited to come together to celebrate the Jewish High Holidays with you. 

The services at the WJC (Wesleyan Jewish Community) are meant to be inclusive, interactive, welcoming, as well as innovative.  With our wonderful Chazan Sharon McCord, we look forward to coming together for song, ritual, and sweetness. We incorporate elements and melodies from both traditional and liberal Jewish communities. This page updates frequently, so stay tuned for more updates.

Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11

5:00 pm: Pre-Yom Kippur Fasting Meal |

DFC Usdan Campus Center

Get your food from Usdan Servery on the second floor and join us, one floor up on the third floor.

6:00 pm (Promptly):    Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre |

Beckham Hall, Usdan Campus Center

Saturday, October 12

10:00 am:   Yom Kippur Morning Service  | (Note new location)

Mansfield Freeman Center (behind Admissions near Washington St)

CEAS Seminar Room, 343 Mansfield Center 


#25 on the map

1:45 pm:     Fasting Friendly Hang-out  |  The Bayit, 157 Church St

2:00 pm:      Walk to Indian Hill Cemetery  | Meet at the Bayit

3:00 pm:   Atonement and at "one-ment", a contemplative meditation workshop integrating mindfulness, art, forgiveness, and Jewish ritual | ORSL Lounge (169 High St. Corner of Church St., Second Floor) 

yom kippur flyer

5:15 pm:   Yom Kippur Afternoon Services: Jonah and Neilah  | (Note new location)

Mansfield Freeman Center (behind Admissions near Washington St)

CEAS Seminar Room, 343 Mansfield Center

6:30 pm:   Havdalah: CFA Courtyard  with Mazel Tones and Wesleyan Klezmer Band (rain location, CEAS Seminar Room: see above) 

approx.6:55 pm:    End of Fast/Tekiyah Shofar Blast: CFA Courtyard ( rain location CEAS Seminar Room; see above)

Following services:   Lox and Bagel Break the Fast  |  DFC Usdan Campus Center Third Floor


Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, October 2

6:oo pm:    Rosh Hashanah Eve Service DDC Courtyard CFA (rain location Beckham Hall, adjacent to Usdan)

Following services (approx 7:15 pm):   Rosh Hashanah Festive Meal  |  DFC Usdan Campus Center, Third Floor 

Thursday, October 3

10:00 am:  Rosh Hashanah Morning Services Day 1  |  Beckham Hall

Following services (approx 1:00 pm):   Rosh Hashanah Festive Meal  |  Usdan Campus Center Room 108

Friday, October 4

8:30 am Rosh Hashanah Morning Services Day 2 at Adath Israel Synagogue. More info at:


If you are interested in joining a group of Wesleyan students to walk over together, please email Rabbi David (dleipziger@wesleyan.edu) by 10/2 noon.

Friday, October 4

Tashlikh - Our annual eco nature walk to the Connecticut River (12 min walk from campus). This is a contemplative ritual in which we let go of experiences from the past year and continue the process of returning to our deepest selves, the path of Teshuvah. All are welcome. 

4:15 pm at the Bayit (157 Church St)

flyer for Tashlikh


To get involved or if you have any questions, please contact Rabbi David at the address below.

Shanah Tova!

Rabbi David       dleipziger@wesleyan.edu