Procedures Governing Personnel Recommendations and other Agenda Items

[Approved by the Academic Council through May 19, 2010]

Sec. 1. Definitions.

(a) All references to the Board in this legislation are to the Review and Appeals Board.

(b) All references to By-Laws are to the “By-Laws of the Academic Council.”

(c) All references to the chair are to the chair of the Review and Appeals Board

(d) All references to the department are to the department initiating the personnel recommendation. In cases in which a college, program, or ad hoc committee makes or joins in the recommendation, references to the department also pertain to it.

Sec. 2. Meetings and Agendas. Consistent with Sec. 206 of the by-laws, the chair of the Board shall distribute agendas, notices, and related materials to Board members at least five days ahead of scheduled meetings. In the case of a review of a negative recommendation of the Advisory Committee, these materials shall include the record of the case and any points of disagreement between the Advisory Committee and the department (see Sec. 405a). The chair shall consult with the chairs of the Advisory Committee and the department in scheduling the date and approximate time when each personnel recommendation will be reviewed. In consultation with the Academic Secretary, the chair shall establish procedures for notifying invited departmental visitors regarding the date and time they should appear and for sending them personnel materials. Departmental visitors will typically attend only for the duration of the review of the personnel recommendation they have initiated.

Sec. 3. Presentation of a Personnel Recommendation Conferring Tenure, Following a Positive Recommendation by the Advisory Committee. This section applies to both positive and negative department recommendations.

(a) The motion on the floor is concurrence with the positive recommendation of the Advisory Committee.

(b) The normal order of presentation and discussion is as follows:

  1. Identification of the referees’ letters by the Academic Secretary.

  2. A statement from an Advisory Committee representative on the Committee’s recommendation.

  3. A statement from a department representative on the department’s recommendation.

  4. Additional statements from other members of the department.

  5. General discussion, which shall include opportunity for comment in turn on each of the three canonical categories germane to a recommendation: scholarship, teaching, and colleagueship.

  6. In consultation with the President or his or her designated representative, the chair may modify the normal order of the presentation.

  7. The chair may establish time limits for the presentations numbered 2- 4 above.

(c) The Board shall vote on the motion for concurrence by written ballot.

Sec. 4. Presentation of a Personnel Recommendation Not Newly Conferring Tenure, Following a Positive Recommendation by the Advisory Committee. This section applies to both positive and negative department recommendations. For cases not conferring tenure, there is no motion for concurrence with the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. TheBoard discusses the recommendation but does not vote. The normal order of presentation of the case follows that of Sec. 3(b) above.

Sec. 5. Presentation in a review of a negative recommendation of the Advisory Committee. This section applies to both recommendations conferring tenure and promotions not conferring tenure.

(a) The motion on the floor is concurrence with the negative recommendation of the Advisory Committee.

(b) The normal order of presentation and discussion is the same as detailed in Sec. 3(b) above.

(c) Deliberation on the motion will follow the “Standing Rules Governing the Review of a Negative Recommendation by the Advisory Committee” adopted by the Academic Council, May 19, 2010 and any other such procedures that the Academic Council may subsequently adopt.

(d) The Board shall vote on the motion for concurrence by written ballot.

Sec. 6. Reports to the Academic Council. Pursuant to Sec. 103 of the by-laws, the chair of the Board shall consult with the chair and vice-chair of the Advisory Committee on the form of the mandated reports to the Academic Council.