Upcoming Courses Listed by Term

Click on a link to jump directly to that term: - Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Fall 2024

ARTS 632
06:30PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
A History of New England in 50 Objects, 1620-1920
Golden,James Joseph

ONLINE Objects tell stories: stories of their makers, their users, those who bought, sold, traded or repaired them. This course will tell a history of New England through the stories contained within its material culture. It will speak to the... more

ARTS 651
06:00PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
Making Space: Exploring the Visual Language of Sculpture

How often do you make things with your hands and play with space? When you make something you are imagining it into being. This studio sculpture course introduces the design elements of three-dimensional form, with the goal of bringing awareness... more

EDHD 620
Note: Special Schedule
02-SEP-24 to
The Art of Teaching Reading and Writing

Semi-Immersion, please note Special Schedule Mondays, 7PM - 8:30PM via Zoom Saturdays, 10AM - 4PM in person SCHEDULE: Monday, September 16: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM Saturday, September 28: On Campus, 10AM - 4PM Monday, October 7: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM... more

EDHD 622
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Psychiatry: Science, Religion, Oppression, Control

For decades, the fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology have insisted that mental illness is biologically based, and untold millions of research dollars have been poured into the search for the neurochemical, neuroanatomical, genetic, and/or... more

EDHD 630
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Social Foundations of Education

As I describe in the syllabus, Education is a personal endeavor, but access to education and the quality of education in America is governed by laws and society. The overarching purpose of Social Foundations in Education is to explore foundational... more

EDHD 681
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Learning, Memory and Cognition

What is the best method of studying for a test? Is it possible to build a lie detector? How reliable is eyewitness testimony? Is there such a thing as a photographic memory? Why do people experience déjà vu? Is it possible to repress traumatic... more

HUMS 603
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Reading and Writing Memoir
Bonner,Jeanne M.

We write memoir, William Zinsser wrote, because it's how we make sense of who we are, who we once were and what elements shaped our development. As Patricia Hampl puts it, we are drawn to the genre because we want to know about ourselves, and... more

HUMS 620
Note: Special Schedule
02-SEP-24 to
The Art of Teaching Reading and Writing

Semi-Immersion, please note Special Schedule Mondays, 7PM - 8:30PM via Zoom Saturdays, 10AM - 4PM in person SCHEDULE: Monday, September 16: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM Saturday, September 28: On Campus, 10AM - 4PM Monday, October 7: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM... more

HUMS 632
06:30PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
A History of New England in 50 Objects, 1620-1920
Golden,James Joseph

ONLINE Objects tell stories: stories of their makers, their users, those who bought, sold, traded or repaired them. This course will tell a history of New England through the stories contained within its material culture. It will speak to the... more

SCIE 622
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Psychiatry: Science, Religion, Oppression, Control

For decades, the fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology have insisted that mental illness is biologically based, and untold millions of research dollars have been poured into the search for the neurochemical, neuroanatomical, genetic, and/or... more

SCIE 648
06:30PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
Game Theory: The Mathematics of Strategic Decision-Making

Game theory is the mathematical study of strategic thinking. The key question that it addresses is: How do we make decisions in situations where each person's decisions affect the well-being of others, not just of themselves? Should we compete... more

SCIE 681
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Learning, Memory and Cognition

What is the best method of studying for a test? Is it possible to build a lie detector? How reliable is eyewitness testimony? Is there such a thing as a photographic memory? Why do people experience déjà vu? Is it possible to repress traumatic... more

SOCS 621
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Understanding Contemporary American Politics

In Understanding Contemporary American Politics, students will learn how to read the political press skeptically and how to write critically about American politics. Along the way, the course will touch on electoral history, political and social... more

SOCS 622
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Psychiatry: Science, Religion, Oppression, Control

For decades, the fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology have insisted that mental illness is biologically based, and untold millions of research dollars have been poured into the search for the neurochemical, neuroanatomical, genetic, and/or... more

SOCS 630
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Social Foundations of Education

As I describe in the syllabus, Education is a personal endeavor, but access to education and the quality of education in America is governed by laws and society. The overarching purpose of Social Foundations in Education is to explore foundational... more

SOCS 632
06:30PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
A History of New England in 50 Objects, 1620-1920
Golden,James Joseph

ONLINE Objects tell stories: stories of their makers, their users, those who bought, sold, traded or repaired them. This course will tell a history of New England through the stories contained within its material culture. It will speak to the... more

SOCS 639
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Recreating a Memory: Revisiting WW2 and The Holocaust in Fictional Movies

ONLINE More than 70 years have passed since the end of the second world war, and the challenge of preserving the memory of humanity's most horrendous trauma is becoming harder and harder with every year that passes and with each... more

SOCS 648
06:30PM - 09:00PM
02-SEP-24 to
Game Theory: The Mathematics of Strategic Decision-Making

Game theory is the mathematical study of strategic thinking. The key question that it addresses is: How do we make decisions in situations where each person's decisions affect the well-being of others, not just of themselves? Should we compete... more

SOCS 681
06:00PM - 08:30PM
02-SEP-24 to
Learning, Memory and Cognition

What is the best method of studying for a test? Is it possible to build a lie detector? How reliable is eyewitness testimony? Is there such a thing as a photographic memory? Why do people experience déjà vu? Is it possible to repress traumatic... more

Spring 2025

ARTS 626
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
Landscape Photography/Cultural Geography

This seminar attempts to do several things at once: we will develop a visual astuteness by which we can talk about pictures, and we will further our awareness of photographers who address issues of landscape; we explore contemporary dialogues... more

ARTS 627
06:30PM - 09:00PM
23-JAN-25 to
Miles Davis and John Coltrane

Miles Davis (1926-1967) and John Coltrane (1926-1967) stand out as the most influential jazz musicians of the last fifty years. Each of them had a profound influence on the evolution of the music and each has become an enduring cultural icon at a... more

EDHD 681
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
Sensing, Thinking, and Learning: Utilizing Engaged Pedagogy in the Academy

ONLINE Is critical thinking best nurtured through an individualistic focus on content mastery that separates the knower from the known or through interpersonal dialogue and experiential learning that encourages the student to connect different... more

EDHD 686
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
Social Psychology of Close Relationships: Examining Human Connections

This course discusses the social psychology of close relationships in its evolutionary, physiological, and social context. We will explore various psychological theories of close relationships or belongingness in the context of various types of... more

HUMS 633
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
World Literature

Survey significant writings in world literature with an emphasis on values, literary techniques and major movements in literature from the ancient world to the early modern period. Analyze the literary, cultural, historical and philosophical impact... more

HUMS 640
Note: Special Schedule
23-JAN-25 to
The New York Story: Explorations of Narrative in the Big Apple

Semi-Immersion, please note Special Schedule Mondays, 7PM - 8:30PM via Zoom Saturdays, 10AM - 4PM in person Monday, February 10: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM Saturday, February 22: On Campus, 10AM - 4PM Monday, March 3: Zoom, 7PM - 8:30PM Saturday, March... more

HUMS 681
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
A Fairy Tale Writing Workshop
Bellen,Martine Rose

ONLINE Twisting them. Climbing them. Gobbling them up and singing them out. Fairy tales with their culture-bending motifs, language slippages, and symbols have kept contemporary wordsmiths traveling the labyrinthian woods of words forever after.... more

SCIE 651
06:30PM - 09:00PM
23-JAN-25 to
Minding Business: Neuroscience & Business

ONLINE In this seminar, we will explore the potentiality of building better businesses through brain science. We will investigate the budding field of neuroscience and business. Falling under the penumbra of organizational behavior and management... more

SOCS 616
06:30PM - 09:00PM
23-JAN-25 to
The Social Life of Food

ONLINE This course explores some of the ways that people use food, cuisines, and eating to organize and engage with social worlds. This focus provides a concrete means for deepening our understanding of alternative models of social explanation.... more

SOCS 617
06:30PM - 09:00PM
23-JAN-25 to
Magic, Miracle, and Witchcraft in Europe and America until 1830

Until the 'disenchantment of the world' in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Europeans and early Americans lived in a universe shot through with hidden and awesome power. God's action in the world was possible but puzzlingly,... more

SOCS 651
06:30PM - 09:00PM
23-JAN-25 to
Minding Business: Neuroscience & Business

ONLINE In this seminar, we will explore the potentiality of building better businesses through brain science. We will investigate the budding field of neuroscience and business. Falling under the penumbra of organizational behavior and management... more

SOCS 686
06:00PM - 08:30PM
23-JAN-25 to
Social Psychology of Close Relationships: Examining Human Connections

This course discusses the social psychology of close relationships in its evolutionary, physiological, and social context. We will explore various psychological theories of close relationships or belongingness in the context of various types of... more

Fall 2024 Course Chart

Spring 2025 Course Chart

All courses subject to change.

Course Options

GLS courses have a
variety of scheduling and
study options. 

The options available for
each course are indicated
within the 
course's description.

Here is the Key:

CERT: This course will
count toward the req-
uirements for the
Graduate Certificate
in Writing.

Crosslisted: Students may
enroll in the concentration
option that best
meets their academic

Foundational Writing
Option of this course 
will count toward the
Graduate Certificate
in Writing.

Immersion: This course
will have fewer class
meetings that will meet
for longer periods of
time (e.g., weekends-only,
five-day immersion, etc.).