K-12 Programming
As outlined in the Civic Action Plan, it is a core part of Wesleyan University’s educational mission to develop bold and rigorous practical idealists, thoughtful and brave participants in the public sphere. One way we move toward that mission is by supporting a number of diverse programs that work with K-12 students in our community. Several programs operate through the Jewett Center for Community Partnerships, but others are run by different departments from Astronomy and Psychology to the Center for the Arts. Many programs are free and open to the public, while others are offered through partnerships with specific schools.
Need help navigating these options? Contact us: bbellingerda@wesleyan.edu or 860-685-2871.
Want to stay up to date on K-12 programming at Wesleyan? Sign up for our newsletter!
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Cardinal Kids
Academic Enrichment
Cardinal Kids is a teaching collective run by Wesleyan students from all domains of campus life. Each teacher brings a unique set of skills, adapting their on-campus work and passions into fun, interactive lessons for children in grades 1-5. Classes are diverse and ever-changing, with subject matter ranging from creative writing to dance to biology. Each session includes a storytime, lesson, and activity. Lessons are taught several days a week at Macdonough Elementary School and Snow Elementary School.
Contact: wescardinalkids@gmail.com
Individual Tutoring
Academic Enrichment
Individual Tutoring’s mission is to provide quality, reliable free tutoring for Middletown residents. This program is a request based one-on-one tutoring experience. Tutors are matched with a child based on interest/mastery of a subject matter and availability.
Tutoring is free, virtual and is usually one hour a week.
Contact: westutors@gmail.com
Psychology of Reading
Academic Enrichment
The Psychology of Reading service-learning course encompasses the study of many aspects of human cognition - from sensation and perception to comprehension and reasoning. Students also volunteer at Macdonough Elementary School, tutoring for two hours a week in the literacy centers, and offering classroom support.
Free, open to Macdonough students, during classroom hours.
Contact: Barbara Juhasz, bjuhasz@wesleyan.edu
Traverse Square
Academic Enrichment
Student-run and neighborhood-based, the Traverse Square After-school program provides Middletown children with a space to receive academic help and community-based social support through tutoring and mentorship. Each day tutors help kids with homework and then play games, do arts and crafts, and work on projects. They also host occasional fun Friday programs such as trivia, movie and game nights!
Focused on residents of Traverse Square neighborhood, but free and open to all.
Monday-Thursday, 4:30-6:00 pm, occasional Friday programs.
Contact: traversesquare@gmail.com
Wesleyan Book Buds
Academic Enrichment
Wesleyan Book Buds aims to bridge the literacy gap for Middletown students through organizing book drives and donating books to Macdonough Elementary School, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, the Book Mobile project, and the Cross Street Church After School Tutoring Program.
Contacts: Angelina Chang achang01@wesleyan.edu, Alice Dauchez adauchez@wesleyan.edu, Hazel Hand hhand@wesleyan.edu, Stephanie Corrales scorrales@wesleyan.edu
Academic Enrichment
WesReads/WesMath’s mission is to provide additional support and enrichment for higher-level learners in the areas of reading and math.
Free for higher-level Macdonough and Farm Hill students.
Tutoring is done during school hours at Macdonough and Farm Hill Elementary Schools.
Contact: Hannah Gearan hgearan@wesleyan.edu,
Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Academic Enrichment, Arts/Culture
The bookstore is committed to instilling a love of reading in young people. They have free K-12 programs every week, from story-times to Open Mic Nights, to writing workshops.
Contact: Lauren Coleman, lcoleman@wesleyan.edu
Center for East Asian Studies Outreach Program
The CEAS Outreach Program provides a range of "hands-on" cultural activities that introduce K-12 students to various aspects of East Asian cultures from Martial Arts to Folktales.
The Program is offered most Friday afternoons throughout the academic
Dance Teaching Workshop: The Embodied Practice of Knowing
Dance Teaching Workshop is a Service Learning course for Wesleyan students interested in teaching dance or movement-based classes. Within this course, students develop and teach a dance or movement-based class to a population of their choice in the community. Sites have included local schools, after-school programs, Vinnie's Jump and Jive, on-campus locations, senior centers, assisted living facilities, churches, and synagogues.
Contact: Katja Kolcio, kkolcio@wesleyan.edu
CFA Docent Program
Wesleyan's Center for the Arts engages fourth graders on an art-focused tour of Wesleyan that includes the Davison Art Center Gallery, Zilkha Gallery, Mansfield Freeman Gallery, and the Javanese Gamelan. Approximately 400 students participate each year.
One day field trip organized by Middletown public schools.
Contact: Rani Arbo, rarbo@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Public School Art Show
Every year, Wesleyan’s Zilkha Gallery displays artwork from Middletown Public School students of all ages. Opening receptions are free and open to the public.
Middletown Public Schools String Coaching
Advanced string students from Wesleyan tutor violin and viola students in grades 1-12, both through the Keigwin after school program and during Middletown High School class time.
Contact: Rani Arbo, rarbo@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Youth Radio Project
MYRP is a weekly program of WESU 88.1 FM to teach youth people how to control the radio. Students can share their music, their writing, or their thoughts from behind a microphone.
Free and open to all K-12 students.
Fridays, 6:30-7:00 pm, 45 Broad St.
Contact: icohen@wesleyan.edu or (415)-828-4663
Musical Mentoring
A partnership between Oddfellows Playhouse and Cardinal Kids, this program provides individual remote music mentoring from a Wesleyan University student. These lessons are tailored to fit the individual needs of different learners, and the mentors work closely with their students to develop their musical skill and interest. They currently offer guitar, keyboard, voice, ukelele, violin, cello, bass guitar, double bass, clarinet, oboe and saxophone lessons.
Open to all, lessons held at Oddfellows Playhouse.
For age 6-8, Wednesdays, 4:30-5:30 pm
For age 9-11, Mondays, 4:30-5:30 pm
Tuition: $60
Wesleyan Film Outreach
Wesleyan Film Outreach provides
Open to students in Kids' Korner afterschool program at Macdonough Elementary School.
Contact: Stephen Collins, scollins@wesleyan.edu
Youth Gamelan Ensemble
Students learn traditional music from Java, Indonesia on Wesleyan's gamelan instruments. Classes conclude with a performance with the Wesleyan Gamelan Ensemble.
$30 for weekly classes during the spring semester. Open to children age 7-14.
Saturdays, 10:00-11:00 am, World Music Hall, 40 Wyllys Ave.
Contact: Rani Arbo, rarbo@wesleyan.edu
Girls in Science Camp
STEM Content
Girls in Science Camp exposes students to a variety of careers in science, as well as teaches them how to use scientific tools. Campers experience hands-on activities led by Wesleyan faculty and students and are able to share their learnings at the end of the week Science Showcase.
For students entering 4-6th grade
$375, scholarships available.
Kids' Space Nights
STEM Content
Kid-friendly space-related activities led by graduate and undergraduate Astronomy students, including observing with our telescopes when it's clear.
Aimed at elementary school-ages but free and open to all.
Van Vleck Observatory, 96 Foss Hill
1st and 3rd Friday of the month, starting at 7 or 8, check their calendar.
Wesleyan Science Outreach
STEM Content
Since 2007, the Wesleyan University Science Outreach Club, an undergraduate service and education organization, has designed and implemented a series of weekly, hands-on after-school science activities for Middletown public elementary students. The after-school activities are developed by college students in a Science Pedagogy service-learning class (CHEM 241 and 242) to facilitate participation, build on prior knowledge and engage elementary school students in observing, interpreting and explaining scientific activities.
Volunteers work with the YMCA Kid’s Korner program at Spencer, Bielefield, Snow, MacDonough, and Farmhill schools. The program is open to all students and each school gets Science Club once a week.
Science Saturday happens once every semester on Wesleyan's campus and is open to all kids aged 5-12.
Physical Education and Athletics
Physical Education and Athletics at Wesleyan serve all members of the Wesleyan community and others beyond campus. Their mission is to provide a spectrum of activities that enable people from all walks of life to enjoy healthy, energetic, and well-balanced lives.
From Cardinal Figure Skating School to Summer Sports Camps and Clinics, they offer a wide variety of K-12 programs that are open to the public.
See their website for up-to-date prices and schedules.
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Contact: Eva Merideth, emeredith@wesleyan.edu
6th Grade - 8th Grade
Pedagogy of Second Language Teaching and Learning
Academic Enrichment
This is a Wesleyan course for students interested in teaching Spanish or French that offers a foundation for
Free, open to students in the World Language program.
Contact: Ana Perez Girones, aperezgirone@wesleyan.edu
Teaching English as a Second Language
Academic Enrichment
This is a Wesleyan course for students to explore theories and teaching methods related to learning English as a second language (ESL). They will then actively work with ESL students at Woodrow Wilson Middle School. They will be asked to apply the theories and pedagogical techniques they are learning to their sessions at the school and reflect on their experience.
Free, open to ESL students at Beman Middle School.
Contact: Elizabeth Hepford, ehepford@wesleyan.edu
Wesleyan Book Buds
Academic EnrichmentWesleyan Book Buds aims to bridge the literacy gap for Middletown students through organizing book drives and donating books to Macdonough Elementary School, Woodrow Wilson Middle School, the Book Mobile project, and the Cross Street Church After School Tutoring Program.
Contacts: Angelina Chang achang01@wesleyan.edu, Alice Dauchez adauchez@wesleyan.edu, Hazel Hand hhand@wesleyan.edu, Stephanie Corrales scorrales@wesleyan.edu
Wesleyan University Middle School Tutoring Partnership
Academic Enrichment
This program serves middle school students who are in need of general and academic support and mentorship. Students are identified by their team of teachers and matched one-on-one with Wesleyan students for virtual tutoring. With a major focus on building relationships, tutors assist students with schoolwork and study skills, while also serving as role models, providing support to build confidence and motivation.
Contact: wwmstutor@gmail.com
Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Academic Enrichment, Arts/Culture
The bookstore is committed to instilling a love of reading in young people. They have free K-12 programs every week, from story-times to Open Mic Nights, to writing workshops.
Contact: Lauren Coleman, lcoleman@wesleyan.edu
Center for East Asian Studies Outreach Program
The CEAS Outreach Program provides a range of "hands-on" cultural activities that introduce K-12 students to various aspects of East Asian cultures from Martial Arts to Folktales.
The Program is offered most Friday afternoons throughout the academic
Dance Teaching Workshop: The Embodied Practice of Knowing
Dance Teaching Workshop is a Service Learning course for Wesleyan students interested in teaching dance or movement-based classes. Within this course, students develop and teach a dance or movement-based class to a population of their choice in the community. Sites have included local schools, after-school programs, Vinnie's Jump and Jive, on-campus locations, senior centers, assisted living facilities, churches, and synagogues.
Contact: Katja Kolcio, kkolcio@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Public School Art Show
Every year, Wesleyan’s Zilkha Gallery displays artwork from Middletown Public School students of all ages. Opening receptions are free and open to the public.
Middletown Public Schools String Coaching
Advanced string students from Wesleyan tutor violin and viola students in grades 1-12, both through the Keigwin after school program and during Middletown High School class time.
Contact: Rani Arbo, rarbo@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Youth Radio Project
MYRP is a weekly program of WESU 88.1 FM to teach youth people how to control the radio. Students can share their music, their writing, or their thoughts from behind a microphone.
Free and open to all K-12 students.
Fridays, 6:30-7:00 pm, 45 Broad St.
Contact: icohen@wesleyan.edu or (415)-828-4663
Wesleyan Refugee Project
Through IRIS, Wesleyan students support after-school and tutoring programs for refugee youth in New Haven. In Paper Airplanes, volunteers tutor a student (of various ages) from a conflict area in English.
The Education Initiative teaches a curriculum on global displacement to students at Beman Middle School. They are currently building a more robust curriculum package and forming partnerships with more schools.
Contact: Nadiya Jaunbocus, njaunbocus@wesleyan.edu or Sofia Sperber, ssperber@wesleyan.edu
Seminar on Astronomical Pedagogy
STEM Content
This is a required service-learning course for all Astronomy majors at Wesleyan. It focuses on effectively teaching astronomy at all levels and ages. Enrolled students alternate between giving presentations to all sixth graders in the portable StarLab planetarium and presenting at Wesleyan’s weekly Space Nights (see below). Students create their own lessons plans on relevant astronomical topics they are interested in.
StarLab presentations are free and available to 6th graders
Contact: Seth Redfield, sredfield@wesleyan.edu
Physical Education and Athletics
Physical Education and Athletics at Wesleyan serve all members of the Wesleyan community and others beyond campus. Their mission is to provide a spectrum of activities that enable people from all walks of life to enjoy healthy, energetic, and well-balanced lives.
From Cardinal Figure Skating School to Summer Sports Camps and Clinics, they offer a wide variety of K-12 programs that are open to the public.
See their website for up-to-date prices and schedules.
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Contact: Eva Merideth, emeredith@wesleyan.edu
9th Grade - 12th Grade
Exploring College Pathways
Academic Enrichment
The Exploring College Pathways Program introduces public high school students to
Free and open to high school juniors from Middletown, Cromwell, and Meriden Public Schools.
Contact: Rhea Drozdenko, rdrozdenko@wesleyan.edu
High School Humanities
Academic Enrichment
Wesleyan’s High School Humanities Program brings students from area high schools to campus for several Fridays spanning the academic year. Wesleyan professors work to pair readings with high school curriculums and host lectures related to the readings which touch on philosophy, literature, history and more. This initiative is supported by a collaboration between Wesleyan and Middletown Public Schools called CAUSE (Community and University Services for Education).
Free and open to students taking AP English at Middletown High School, Portland High School, Xavier High School, Haddam-Killingworth High School (RSD 13) and Mercy High School.
Contact: Rhea Drozdenko rdrozdenko@wesleyan.edu
Pedagogy of Second Language Teaching and Learning
Academic Enrichment
This is a Wesleyan course for students interested in teaching Spanish or French that offers a foundation for
Free, open to students in the World Language program, takes place during
The Foster Connection
Academic Enrichment
As a part of the Foster Care Support Project, the Foster Connection works with child welfare experts to match foster youth with college students. These mentors offer virtual homework help and goal-setting, workshops on a variety of topics, and college prep support.
Open to foster youth identified by community partners
Contact: fcsp.wesleyan@gmail.com
Upward Bound Math-Science
Academic Enrichment/ STEM Content
The Upward Bound Math-Science Program is designed to help low-income and first-generation high school students recognize and develop their potential, to excel in math and science, pursue post-secondary degrees, and ultimately careers in the math and science professions. Activities, trips, and involvement are designed to help students become more familiar with S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Engineering Math) education.
Free, open to high school students from Middletown, Meriden and New Britain
Programming includes weekday tutoring at school, Saturday enrichment sessions at Wesleyan, and a 6-week intensive program at Wesleyan.
Contact: Miguel Peralta, mperalta@wesleyan.edu
Wesleyan High School Scholars Program
Academic Enrichment
Wesleyan's High School Scholars Program offers outstanding juniors and seniors from local high schools the opportunity to take one course per semester,
Wesleyan RJ Julia Bookstore
Academic Enrichment, Arts/Culture
The bookstore is committed to instilling a love of reading in young people. They have free K-12 programs every week, from story-times to Open Mic Nights, to writing workshops.
Contact: Lauren Coleman, lcoleman@wesleyan.edu
Center for East Asian Studies Outreach Program
The CEAS Outreach Program provides a range of "hands-on" cultural activities that introduce K-12 students to various aspects of East Asian cultures from Martial Arts to Folktales.
The Program is offered most Friday afternoons throughout the academic
Dance Teaching Workshop: The Embodied Practice of Knowing
Dance Teaching Workshop is a Service Learning course for Wesleyan students interested in teaching dance or movement-based classes. Within this course, students develop and teach a dance or movement-based class to a population of their choice in the community. Sites have included local schools, after-school programs, Vinnie's Jump and Jive, on-campus locations, senior centers, assisted living facilities, churches, and synagogues.
Contact: Katja Kolcio, kkolcio@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Public School Art Show
Every year, Wesleyan’s Zilkha Gallery displays artwork from Middletown Public School students of all ages. Opening receptions are free and open to the public.
Middletown Public Schools String Coaching
Advanced string students from Wesleyan tutor violin and viola students in grades 1-12, both through the Keigwin after school program and during Middletown High School class time.
Contact: Rani Arbo, rarbo@wesleyan.edu
Middletown Youth Radio Project
MYRP is a weekly program of WESU 88.1 FM to teach youth people how to control the radio. Students can share their music, their writing, or their thoughts from behind a microphone.
Free and open to all K-12 students.
Fridays, 6:30-7:00 pm, 45 Broad St.
Contact: icohen@wesleyan.edu or (415)-828-4663
Space Night
STEM Content
Space Night starts with a half-hour interactive presentation by a member of the Astronomy department (astronomy majors, graduate students, or faculty) on some topic of space news or recent discoveries in astronomy, followed by observing through the telescopes if it's clear.
Free, Van Vleck Observatory
Aimed at
Wednesdays at 8:00 pm during the academic year.
Films on Foss
Social and Emotional Learning / Leadership Development
Every year, Wesleyan’s Foss Hill is home to the popular Films on Foss events. Created by the Middletown Youth Mayoral Cabinet, this outdoor film series attracts hundreds and engages the community with games, picnics, and activities.
Contact: Justin Carbonella, carbonellaj@mpsct.org
ASHA (Adolescent Sexual Health Awareness)
ASHA works to provide young people with the resources and knowledge they need to make healthy sexual decisions. They empower young people to be active participants in their sexual education and to take charge of their bodies as well as their emotional and physical health.
Free, in-class workshops held at Capital Prep, Cromwell High School, Coginchaug, Hartford Sports and Medical Sciences Academy, Coventry High School, Middletown High School, and Oxford Academy.
Physical Education and Athletics
Physical Education and Athletics at Wesleyan serve all members of the Wesleyan community and others beyond campus. Their mission is to provide a spectrum of activities that enable people from all walks of life to enjoy healthy, energetic, and well-balanced lives.
From Cardinal Figure Skating School to Summer Sports Camps and Clinics, they offer a wide variety of K-12 programs that are open to the public.
See their website for up-to-date prices and schedules.
Student- Athlete Advisory Committee
Contact: Eva Merideth, emeredith@wesleyan.edu