
Wesleyan is Tobacco and Vape Free

In order to provide a healthier living, learning and working environment for the entire Wesleyan University community, beginning January 1st, 2022 our campus adopted a Tobacco and Vape Free policy on all campus grounds. The policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors on campus and applies to all Wesleyan University facilities, property, and vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location. All members of the Wesleyan community share the responsibility to respect this policy. The goal of this initiative is to be educational, supportive, and engaging to encourage individuals who use tobacco and vape products to quit. Through continued peer support and voluntary compliance, the University seeks to foster behavior and culture change over time. Tobacco and vape products have been scientifically proven to have no health or wellness benefits, and second and third-hand smoke, even outdoors, poses a health hazard to all who are exposed. By reducing exposure to tobacco and vape products, the University will help support the health of our whole community for years to come.  

Tobacco and Vape-Free Policy - Frequently Asked Questions