

Wesleyan’s Fries Center for Global Studies benefits from the advice and collaboration of the following faculty groups.

Fries Center for Global Studies Advisory Board

The Vice President for Academic Affairs appoints two members from each division to work with the Director of the FCGS in formulating policies and making decisions aimed at advancing the center’s mission.  Membership on the Advisory Board for the 2024-25 academic year is as follows:

Division I: 

  • Scott Aalgaard (College of East Asian Studies)
  • Robert Conn (Spanish; Latin American Studies)

Division II:

  • Anthony Keats (Economics)
  • Andy Quintman (Religion; East Asian Studies)

Division III: 

  • Suzanne OConnell (Earth & Environmental Sciences; Integrative Sciences; Earth Science)
  • Wai Kiu Chan (Mathematics)

Past Advisory boards can be found here.

Language Resources and Technology Committee

The Director of the FCGS invites language teaching faculty to collaborate with the Director of Language Resources & Technology in programming presentations, workshops and other events aimed at enhancing language learning at Wesleyan.  Members of the 2024-25 LRT committee are: 

  • Abderrahman Aissa (Arabic)
  • Hyejoo Back (Korean)
  • Iris Bork-Goldfield (German)
  • Elizabeth Hepford (English; TESOL)
  • Dalit Katz (Hebrew)
  • Ana María Pérez-Gironés (Spanish)
  • Camilla Zamboni (Italian)

Wesleyan Programs Abroad Committee

The Director of the FCGS invites faculty representatives to collaborate with the Director of Study Abroad in managing Wesleyan’s programs in Bologna (Italy), Madrid (Spain), and Paris (France).  Invitations are extended ordinarily to faculty who are soon to serve or who have recently served as Resident Director of one of these programs. The Director of Study Abroad convenes the committee regularly to plan and discuss strategies for promoting study abroad and recruiting both Wesleyan and non-Wesleyan participants.  Committee members review applications for their respective programs.  They participate, as well, in planning for the annual meeting of the consortium with representatives from Vassar College (Bologna, Madrid, Paris) and Wellesley (Bologna). Members of the 2024-25 WPAC are:

  • Nadja Aksamija (Program in Bologna, Italy)
  • María Ospina (Program in Madrid, Spain)
  • Andy Curran (Program in Paris, France)
  • Daniella Gandolfo (Program in Madrid, Spain)