Code of Non-Academic Conduct Case Summaries 2023-2024

REGULATION 1- [Disturbance of the Peace] the infringement upon the right to privacy of any member of the community is prohibited.  Disorderly and disruptive conduct and/or the persistent disturbance of a reasonable level of peace and quiet is also a violation.

In a full hearing, the board considered allegations that students A, B, C, D, and E had violated regulations 1, 15, 14 and 13A of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found Students A, B, C, and E responsible for violating regulations 1, 15 and not responsible for regulation 14. The Board found Student D responsible for regulation 15 and not responsible for all other alleged violations. The Board found Student E additionally responsible for violating regulation 13a.  The board recommends that the students be sanctioned with disciplinary warnings.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Students A, B, C, and D had violated regulations 1, and 4 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found Students A, B, and C not responsible for violating both regulations 1 and 4.  The Board found Student D responsible for both violations 1, and 4.  Student D was sanctioned with Disciplinary Probation.

In a Joint Student/Administrative Hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student had violated regulations 1, 14 and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found the student not responsible for any of the violations. In the future, the board recommends that the student exercise situational awareness while making decisions about whether to voice their opposition about incidents that may violate university policy in or around their residence. 

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student had violated Regulation 1 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found the student responsible for violating this Regulation and recommended that the Student be sanctioned with a Disciplinary Warning. 

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations and written testimony as the student did not show up for their hearing.  The Student allegedly violated regulation 13A of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found the student responsible for violating this Regulation and sanctioned the student with a disciplinary warning.

In a Joint Student/Administrative Hearing, the board considered allegations that Students A, B, C, and D violated Regulations 1, 14 and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.   The Board found all students responsible for all the violations and all were sanctioned with a disciplinary warning.

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a student violated Regulations 1, 2, 12 and 14 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board found the student responsible for violating Regulations 1, 12, and 14 and not responsible for violating Regulation 2 and recommended a Disciplinary Warning.

REGULATION 2 – [Harassment and Abuse] Harassment and abuse, directed toward individuals or groups, may include at least the following forms:  the use or threat of physical violence, coercion, intimidation, and verbal harassment and abuse.  Making repeated unwanted contact with another person could also be considered a violation. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a student violated regulation 2 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found this student responsible for violating this regulation and sanctioned with a disciplinary probation and a written letter of apology to the involved parties. 

REGULATION 4 – [Property] The unauthorized use, or the abuse, destruction, or theft of university property or the property of any of its members, guests, or neighbors is prohibited.  This includes but is not limited to all tunnels, roofs, and areas under construction.  This regulation prohibits the unauthorized appropriation or “borrowing” of common property for personal use.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations from student testimony as well as written documentation that Students A and B violated Regulation 4 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The Board found Student A responsible and Student B not responsible.   The Board sanctioned Student A with a Disciplinary Warning and restitution for the stolen items.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H violated Regulation 4 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct and that student A violated Regulation 14. The board found students A through H responsible for violating Regulation 4 and student A also responsible for violating Regulation 14. All students were sanctioned with a disciplinary warning.  

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a student violated Regulation 4, 14, and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board determined the student was not responsible for violating Regulation 4, but responsible for violating Regulations 14 and 15.  The board recommends the student be given a disciplinary warning.

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Student A violated Regulations 4, 14, and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board found the student not responsible for violating Regulation 4, but responsible for violating Regulation 14 and 15.  The board sanctioned the student with a disciplinary warning.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulations 4, 13a, 14, 9d, and 11 of the Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found the student responsible for all violations.  The student received a disciplinary probation and was referred to the office of Residential Life for further housing sanctions.

REGULATION 5 – [False Information] Knowingly furnishing false information to a university officer or member of any constituted hearing board acting in performance of his/her duties is prohibited.

In a Simplified Hearing, the Board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulation 5, 6 and 14 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The student was found responsible for violating Regulation 6 and was found not responsible for violating Regulations 5 and 14. The board sanctioned the student with a disciplinary warning and ordered to destroy the false identification.

REGULATION 9D – [Certain Decorative Items] e.g., candles, halogen lamps, tapestries are also prohibited in student residencies.

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Student A, B, C, and D violated Regulations 9d and 13a of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found Student A responsible for violating both Regulations 9d and 13a. The board found Student B, C, and D responsible for violating Regulation 13a.  The board sanctioned all students with a disciplinary warning and due to accumulated points, one student was placed on disciplinary probation.

REGULATION 13 – [Drugs and Alcohol] The University prohibits underage possession, use, abuse, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student had violated Regulations 13 and 13B of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board found the student responsible for violating Regulation 13B and not responsible for Regulation 13. The board recommends that the student receive a disciplinary warning and be referred to WesWell.

In a Simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulation 13 and 13B of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The Board found the student responsible for violating Regulations 13 and 13B, and recommended that the Student be sanctioned with a Disciplinary Warning and Alcohol follow-up at Davidson Health Center. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Student A violated Regulation 13 and Student B violated Regulation 10 and 14 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found Student B responsible for violating Regulation 14 and 10 and was sanctioned with a disciplinary warning.  Because this was the first alcohol offense for Student A, Student A will be referred under the amnesty policy.

REGULATION 13A – [Drugs and Alcohol] the possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of illegal drugs or controlled substances by any member of the Wesleyan community. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student has violated Regulation 13a and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic conduct.  The board found the Student responsible for both violations and sanctioned a disciplinary warning.

In a simplified hearing the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulation 13a of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board found the student responsible for the violation and sanctioned the student with a disciplinary warning and an online educational requirement.

In a simplified hearing the board considered allegations that several Students violated Regulations 13a, 9d and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board found all students not responsible for 15 and only one student was found responsible for violating 13A, and 9D.  The board sanctioned the responsible student with a disciplinary warning. 

In a Full Board hearing, the board considered allegations that Students A, B, C, and D violated Regulations 13A, 13B, 8, 9B, and 15C of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  

The board found Students A, B, C, and D responsible for violating Regulations 13a, 8, and 15c. The board found Students A and C responsible for violating Regulation 13B. The board found Students C and D responsible for violating Regulation 9b. The board recommended Students A, C, and D to be relocated from their Residential Area in addition to 5 hours of community restitution with the Office of Fire Safety. The board recommended Student B be placed on deferred suspension, relocation from their Residential Area, and 5 hours of restitution with the Office of Fire Safety. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that students A and B violated Regulation 13a: of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found both students A and B responsible for the violation. The students received the appropriate sanctions. 

REGULATION 13B – [Drugs and Alcohol] Underage possession or consumption of alcohol anywhere on university property or at University-sponsored events.

In a Simplified Hearing, the board considered allegations that Student A violated Regulation 13B of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found the student responsible for violating Regulation 13B and recommended a disciplinary warning. 

REGULATION 14 – [Failure to Comply] Members of the community are expected to comply with reasonable requests made by university personnel acting within the capacity of their responsibilities, including requests for adequate identification. 

During a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Students A, B and C violated Regulations 14 and 1 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The Board found all students responsible for violating Regulation 1 and Student C also responsible for violating Regulation 14.  Students A and B were not responsible for Regulation 14.  All students were sanctioned with a disciplinary warning.

In a Simplified Hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulation 14 and 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The student was found responsible for both counts Regulation 14 and 15.  The Board sanctioned the Student with a disciplinary warning and the student’s parking privileges were revoked.

REGULATION 15 – [Department Regulations] Members of the community are expected to abide by duly established and promulgated non-academic regulations.  These include, but are not limited to, policies for Residential Life, Public Safety, Information Technology, and all the other policies. a) Social Event Registration; b) Unregistered Guest; c) Smoking in Residence Hall; d) Quiet Street Noise Violation; e) Physical Plant/Restricted Items; and f) chalking

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulation 15 of the Wesleyan University code of non-academic conduct.  The board sanctioned the student with a disciplinary warning and informed that another violation of this regulation could result in a room change. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a Student violated Regulations 15 and 9b of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The student was found responsible for both violations and sanctioned with a disciplinary warning and ordered to remove the A/C unit.

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that Students A, B, C, and D violated Regulation 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  The board determined that all the students were responsible for the violation and were given the appropriate sanctions. 

In a simplified hearing, the board considered allegations that a student violated Regulation 15 of the Wesleyan University Code of Non-Academic Conduct. The board found the student not responsible for the violation and the case was closed.