Well-Being Resources

Wesleyan University offers a wide-range of well-being resources for its students.

Alcohol & Other Drugs Prevention
Information on Wesleyan's AOD prevention efforts (on-campus only)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
The Office of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) exists expressly to help students (undergraduate and graduate) to deal effectively with emotional, personal, interpersonal and situational issues which cause unhappiness, frustration and/or disruption to their lives. We are here to help support you and the attainment of your personal and educational goals.

Discrimination and Harassment at Wesleyan Policies and Procedures
Wesleyan University is committed to fostering a diverse learning community grounded in mutual respect, generosity, and concern for others. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation that violates the institution’s values will not be tolerated.

Medical Leave Policy
Policy for students requesting a medical leave.

Support and Counseling Directory
Here is a list of all of the support and counceling services available to students on campus.

Survivor Advocacy and Community Education
The Office of Survivor Advocacy and Community Education (SACE) is dedicated to empowering survivors, and those connected to survivors, of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and other forms of interpersonal violence through survivor-centered, trauma-informed advocacy services, healing workshops and retreats, trainings, and education programs within the Wesleyan University community. 

University Health Services
Health Services provides high quality healthcare and health promotion to improve students’ overall health, to support their educational goals, and to develop skills for long-term healthy lifestyles.

WesWELL, the Office of Health Education, is the division of Wesleyan University's Health Services. The mission is to promote mindfulness and responsibility in all areas of health and wellness in order to prevent disease, injury and other health problems.