Family Violence Leave Law

Wesleyan employees are covered under the Connecticut Family Violence Leave Law, which entitles employees who are victims of family violence to take up to twelve (12) days per calendar year of unpaid leave from work when such leave is reasonably necessary to: (1) seek medical care or counseling for physical or psychological injury or disability; (2) obtain services from a victim services organization; (3) relocate because of family violence or (4) participate in any civil or criminal proceeding related to or resulting from family violence. Employees may also be entitled to take other forms of leave, such as FMLA leave, if they are otherwise eligible under federal and state law.

“Family violence” refers to an incident between family or household members that results in actual or threatened physical harm, bodily injury or assault. Verbal abuse or argument does not constitute family violence unless there is present danger and a likelihood that physical violence will occur. “Family or household member” includes: (1) current and former spouses; (2) parents and children; (3) individuals at least 18 years of age who are related by blood or marriage; (4) individuals at least 16 years of age who currently reside or formerly resided together; (5) individuals who have a child together, regardless of whether they have ever been married or lived together; and (6) individuals who are in, or were recently in, a dating relationship.

Employees who request leave under this law should provide up to seven (7) days notice for foreseeable leaves and will be required to provide a signed statement certifying that the leave is being taken for a purpose authorized by this law. If the need for the leave is not foreseeable, then the employee should provide notice of intent to take the leave as soon as practicable. The employee must provide a police or court record, or a signed, written statement from a licensed professional or victim services organization from which the employee sought assistance, certifying that he or she is indeed the victim of family violence.

NOTE: At the employee’s or employer’s option, certain kinds of paid leave may be substituted for unpaid leave. More detailed information regarding the provisions of the Connecticut Family Violence Leave Law may be obtained by contacting Human Resources.