Benefits Coverage Changes and Termination

Changes During the Annual Open Enrollment Period 

During Open Enrollment each fall, you may: 

  • Begin medical, dental, and vision insurance coverage 
  • Choose a different medical plan 
  • Add or terminate dependents from your plan(s) 
  • Terminate coverage

Changes made in medical, dental, and vision insurance during Open Enrollment will be effective the following January 1. Your current medical, dental, and vision coverage will continue during the next calendar year unless you change coverage during Open Enrollment. If you wish to continue your Flexible Spending Account (MERA or dependent care) or your Health Savings Account contributions, you must re-enroll during each Open Enrollment period.  

Qualifying Life Events 

You may make changes to your benefits following certain life events. Changes must be made within 31 days of the event, and proof of the event must be provided. Examples of a qualifying life event (QLE) with the documents required are: 

Change Documents Required
Marriage  Marriage certificate
Divorce or legal separation  Divorce decree
Birth or adoption of a child, gaining or losing a dependent  Birth certificate
Adoption of a Child Adoption decree
Legal Placement of a Child Court order document  outlining legal custody
Loss of a dependent Death certificate
Loss or gain of coverage through a spouse’s or domestic partner’s employment  Proof of loss or gain of coverage from spouse/domestic partner's employer
Losing eligibility for Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP  Loss of coverage notice from Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP
Death of a family member resulting in your loss of coverage  Death certificate and proof of loss of coverage
Change in residence—if coverage isn’t offered in your area Proof of change of address and proof of loss of coverage
COBRA coverage ends  Proof of COBRA coverage ending

Employees or dependents who lose eligibility for coverage under a state Medicaid or CHIP program, or who become eligible for state premium assistance under Medicaid or CHIP, must request coverage within 60 days of being terminated from Medicaid or CHIP coverage or within 60 days of being determined to be eligible for premium assistance. 

You can begin your Qualifying Life Event change through Workday under "Benefits and Pay".

Life Insurance 

You may enroll in or cancel your (and/or a spouse/domestic partner's) supplemental life insurance plan at any time during the plan year. 

An evidence of insurability (EOI) application is required for enrollment and re-enrollment.    

Your Benefits: Age-Related Considerations 

Please see the attached chart that outlines how your benefits change as your age increases. Most benefits are affected, so it is important to know these changes in advance. 

Terminating Your Coverage

There are many benefits-related questions to be answered when your employment at Wesleyan is ending. Employment related questions are addressed on the Leaving Employment page. Important Benefits Information for Employees Terminating from Wesleyan University.

If medical, dental, and vision insurance plans terminate due to a qualifying life event or termination of employment, your benefit(s) will end based on the following schedule: 

  • Events occurring between the 1st or 15th of the month — coverage ends on the 15th of the month 
  • Events occurring between the 16th and last day of the month — coverage ends on the last day of the month 

Life insurance, short-term and long-term disability plans, and the Cardinal Fit Incentive Points Program will terminate on the effective date of the event. Eligibility for educational assistance, the dependent tuition scholarship program, the employee discount program, and the mortgage assistance program also terminate when your status changes to an ineligible category or your employment terminates. 

  • Can I continue receiving my existing health benefits after I leave?

    Yes. You can continue to receive medical, dental, vision, and MERA plan benefits through COBRA continuation coverage. Once you have spoken with your supervisor about your departure from Wesleyan, your supervisor will initiate an Employee Change Form (found in the "Manager's Toolbox" section of WesPortal). You will automatically receive notification from GDI, our COBRA carrier, about how to enroll in COBRA insurance. Through COBRA you will have access to the medical, dental, vision, and MERA plans in which you are currently enrolled. The rates for these plans, however, will be higher because the Wesleyan contribution is no longer available to youRemember that if you are enrolled in an HSA plan, your HDHP medical plan will fall under COBRA but your actual Health Savings Account belongs to you as is.

  • Your Retirement Account(s)

    Whether you are leaving Wesleyan University prior to retirement or upon retirement, there are a few things you should know about your retirement accounts. To find out more, visit the Retirement page.

  • Vacation, Sick, Personal, and Floating Holiday Balances

    Upon termination, Wesleyan will pay your unused, accrued vacation time hours to you in one lump sum. Generally, sick, personal, and floating holiday balances are not payable upon termination. Employees subject to a bargaining unit agreement should refer to the terms of their contract.


Please contact with questions regarding coverage changes or termination.