Spring 2025 Important Dates:
- Thursday, January 16 - Wednesday, February 5: Drop/Add Period
Please note that students and instructors are expected to meet and discuss incomplete requests before an electronic request is submitted and approved. All requests for an incomplete must adhere to the Academic Regulations governing incompletes. Students must submit all incomplete requests through their WesPortal. Instructors can only submit an incomplete with provisional grade during grade entry for approved incomplete requests.
- Students and instructors are expected to discuss an incomplete prior to submitting an electronic incomplete request.
- Students can begin submitting requests two weeks before the end of each individual course.
- Instructors will receive an automated email upon student submission.
- Instructors may require a face to face meeting or additional information before approving the request.
- Students cannot edit the form once submitted.
- Instructor actions will trigger an automated email to the student, the student's advisor(s), and the student's class dean.
- Instructors can always edit and update the request.
- Advisors and class deans cannot edit the form at any time.
- Instructors can propose and approve requests on behalf of the student during grade entry when necessitated by extenuating circumstances.
- During grade entry the incomplete provisional grades will only be available in the grade dropdown, for approved incomplete requests.
- The incomplete provisional grade should be the grade the student will receive if the outstanding assignments are NOT submitted.
- All outstanding assignments are due 30 days after the end of exams.
- The electronic form's due date will default to this date.
- Instructors can change the due date to an earlier date.
- This policy also holds true for Graduate Liberal Studies students. Their outstanding work for an approved incomplete is due 30 days after the end of exams.
Students can submit a request for an incomplete through the Incomplete Requests link in WesPortal.
Instructors can approve student submitted requests in WesPortal in Course Management via the Class Enrollment link. If the terms of a submitted request change and/or an adjustment to the status is nessecary these must be entered by the instructor.
During Grade Entry student submitted requests will also appear in WesPortal under Course Management in the Grade Roster link. When necessitated by extenuating circumstances the instructor has the ability to submit an incomplete request on the student's behalf through the Grade Roster link. Instructors can only submit an Incomplete Provisional grade through the the electronic grade entry system for students with approved incomplete requests. The Incomplete Provisional grade should be the grade the student will receive if the missing work is NOT submitted.
The final grade should be submit using the WesPortal>Course Management>Change of Grade application.
Students' advisors have read only access to the electronic requests in WesPortal>Incomplete Requests link. Any action taken by an instructor on an advisee's request will trigger an automated email to the advisor. Any required changes to the request must be done by the instructor.
Students' class deans have read only access to the electronic request in WesPortal>Incomplete Requests link. Any action taken by an instructor on a student's request will trigger an automated email to the class dean. Any required changes to the request must be done by the instructor.